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[7:52PM, January 2, UTC +02:00]

"Say...your blood has magic in it, right?"

ECRU felt his fangs elongate, throbbing almost painfully in his drying mouth. His fingers twitched, and his ears were deafened by the sounds of the strong heartbeats coming from the man in front of him, whom he was finding harder to see as his vision had started clouding into grey.

"Ecru...Ecru, listen to me. Try to stay calm Listen to my voice. Don't give in. Don't let it control you."

Reality flushed back in as Damilare's plea appealed to his rational mind — whatever was left of it anyway. He hadn't really been able to think straight for the last three days, and had initially shut himself in his room to avoid doing anything he might regret. But then he got tired of breathing in his own air and listening to his stomach growling and chose to take a break, forgetting that the newest inhabitants of the house were teenagers with warm bodies and rapidly beating hearts and hormones polluting every room they entered.

To say the least, it was driving him up the wall.

He focused on his breathing to take concentration away from how eager he was to hold Damilare down and tear into the quickly pulsing artery on his neck. Part of what held him back was the memory of the last time he gorged on blood that wasn't Adam's. However, watching Damilare's fight with his kids made him entertain the idea that their peculiar magic form ran through their bloodline, which meant there was probably magic in their blood too. Coupled with the fact that his stomach was twisting in knots and he was already experiencing the sensation of heat creeping underneath his skin, it made the thought linger a lot longer than it was supposed to, until he started to entertain it as a very reasonable possibility. And once he voiced the thought out, his desperate mind ruminated over it continuously, considering the potential of how true it could be and how close he was to a meal.

"Sorry," he mumbled. The hunger was driving him mad, plaguing him every moment with the demand to be sated. He shook his head as though to reorder his thoughts and shuddered. The basement was freezing, and he wondered if Adam had made any plans to rig the place with heaters or at least fix the insulation.

"It's fine," Damilare replied. "I know you're doing your best to stay in control."

"I doubt my best will be good enough."

"Let's hope it is, at least until Adam comes back. It's not like him to be gone for this long, is it?"

Ecru nodded and frowned in concern. He didn't want to get more worked up than he already was, but a part of him had considered the possibility that something terrible may have happened to Adam, which was why he hadn't returned as promised. But if that were true, then he was really doomed. He could not bear to entertain the thought of a having to suffer through a slow agonizing death from starvation, but it was starting to look like a very likely eventuality. His stomach growled again and pain tore through his gut as searing sensations began to radiate from his chest, like cayenne pepper coursing through his veins.

Oh fuck, it's happening.

 "If Adam doesn't come back by midnight," he said, "Kill me."

Damilare blinked repeatedly. "Where is this coming from? Don't talk like that."

"It's has been almost a week," Ecru replied in a choked voice. "I have never lasted longer than a week. If Adam does not come back before tonight, I don't know what I'll do. And even worse, no matter what I do, it'll be hopeless because I can't survive on normal humans any more. So if I lose control for any reason, don't hesitate. Just kill me, before I hurt anyone."

Damilare gave him a nondescript look and turned around.

"Just hold on for as long as you can," he said as he started up the first step leading from the basement, "And maybe we won't need to go that far."

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