Cashton~Give me the green light

Start from the beginning

The movie started and I sunk back against the couch, my feet on the edge and my arms wrapped around my legs. Ashton's arm rested on the back of the couch, his hand just reaching the back of my head.

After a few minutes, I could feel his fingers softly grazing the light curls growing by my neck. He always did this but now the feeling created goosebumps all over my body. I tried to ignore it and concentrated back on the movie.

There was some noise coming from his side and I turned my head to see that he was taking off his shoes, showing his never matching socks. He was wearing the boots that I had bought for his birthday.

I couldn't stop the small smile that was forming on my face as I thought back about how happy he was when he saw my gift. He had talked about them for a while and every time we went shopping, I had to rip him away from the store that was selling them. It had cost almost all of my savings, but it was totally worth it.

That's why I didn't understand my hesitation around him. He was the best boyfriend I had ever had, well not that I had a lot of others to compare him with, but still.

After he was done taking them off he scooted a little closer to me. I could feel his stare on me, but I just looked straight forward.

"Come on Calum, tell me what's wrong?" Came his soft voice and it made me jump a little bit. He only ever said my full name when he was serious.

"N-nothing." I stuttered and cursed myself in my head. I pulled the ends of my sweater of my hands and played with the bottom of it, too afraid to look him in the eyes.

"We don't have to do it. If you still want to wait, it's totally okay with me. Don't feel like you have to do it for me," Ashton said and reached out to grab one of my hands, holding it in between his two warmer ones.

My bottom lip started quivering and I felt a tear slowly roll down my cheek. I could hear Ashton take in a deep breath of air before he wrapped me in his strong arms.

The side of my face pressed against his chest and one of his hands rubbed comforting circles on my back. I didn't want this moment to ever end, but eventually he pulled away slightly. His hands moved to my shoulders as he gave me a serious look.

I finally dared to look him in the eyes, mine still watery and gave him a nervous expression. "I'm just a little scared that it's going to hurt," I said, my voice breaking a little from crying.

Ashton expression changed from serious to concerned as he moved one of his hands to my cheekbone, softly wiping my drying tears away. "I can't promise you that it won't hurt but you have to trust me that I'll stop whenever you want to."

I inhaled shakily and nodded. "I trust you and I want to do it now, Ash."

In return, Ashton gave me a dimpled smile and reached his hand out for me to take. I closed my eyes for a second before I placed my hand in his and let him pull me up from the couch.

He walked in front of me on the stairs, knowing exactly where my room was after he had been to my house so many times before.

There were a few seconds of silence where we stood opposite each other in my small room. I coughed which made him snap out of his staring.

"Okay uhm, just yeah.." Ashton brought his hand to the back of his neck and looked at me awkwardly.

I shrugged, a wave of confidence coming over me, and walked over to him, my arms wrapping around his shoulders. I had to stand on my toes before I was able to reach his mouth and kiss him.

He quickly moved his hands to my waist and pressed me against him. Our fronts rubbed together and a tiny moan escaped my mouth. Ashton's tongue finally went over my lips, making me open my mouth to let his tongue enter.

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