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Donnie mentioned he'd make a retro-mutagen when I told him, and I meade him swear to secrecy. It's been months since that happened though, and I'm still human. But the green spot on my leg gets bigger and bigger each week.

But today I'm out hunting with Leonardo just for fun. He climbs up a tree despite the pain of his leg. It hasn't healed yet, but at least he doesn't need a crutch anymore. While he's on the tree, I hide behind a bush. The deer eats peacefully, unaware that Leonardo is aiming at it with a standard bow and arrow.

But then the deer stops and looks up at Leonardo. My boyfriend hesitates and allowd the deer to leave. Regretting it, he jumps down from the tree and lands well, but immediatdly begins grunting.

"Leonardo!" I jump out from the bushes. "Easy does it."

"Thanks," he says.

"You probably shouldn't be jumping around yet. I'll take the trees instead, you hide in the bushes."

He looks past my shoulder. "That won't be necessary." He aims the bow and arrow. I make no moves, and look at him. So focused, so handsome. I smile dreamily at him, when he hesitates to shoot the deer again. And then I hear a twig snapping and Leonardo's eyes widen slightly. I turn around abruptly only to see the deer charging at us. It hits me away and launches Leonardo into the air with its antlers.

Leonardo tries to run but can't because of his leg and the deer kicks him to a tree. Before the deer can hurt Leonardo further I step in between them. The deer glares and sneers but then gallops away. Leonardo, stunned, uses my shoulders for support to get up.

"Let's get you home," I tell him. "No more hunting for you."

When we reach the farmhouse everyone else is laughing at Casey who is flat on the ground thanks to April. But as soon as the turtles see that Leonardo is in pain, they rush over.

"What happened to you?" Mikey asks.

"I've had a realization in the woods," he says.

"Going hunting with a bad leg was a bad idea?" Raph mocks.

"Thank you," I say.

"Anyway," Leonardo leans on Mikey for support. "We've been too absorbed in T-phones and television that we've broken our connection with nature. A true ninja must be able to become one with it."

"Don't drag TV into this!" Mikey yells.

"What are we, hippies?" Raph asks.

"Leo has a point," Donnie speaks up. "Even Master Splinter said it: only when you become one with nature can you be at peace with yourself."

"We'll spend three days in the wilderness," Leonardo states, "eating and making use of what we can forge. We'll meditate on it. Ninjas only."

"And a Kunoichi," Donnie ads gesturing me.

"Looks like we'll be alone at the farmhouse, Red," Casey tells April, making Donnie hurt.

Inside, Leonardo and I pack the most basic things while Donnie stares at the window. "I'm up for getting in tune with nature, but those two will be getting in tune with each other!"

"You have to let it go, Donnie," Leonardo says. "We need to leave our fears and worries behind."

Before I go out the door my dad stops me. "Are you sure it's safe?"

"Relax," I say. "A ninja can't be easily beaten, let alone five."

"Alright," he says. "Make every moment count, and behave."

I chuckle, and Leonardo blushes.

"Will do, dad," I reply, and we're out the door. Leonardo leads the way and we enter the green forest.

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