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Leonardo sits next to me in my Uncle's Ramen shop, while Mikey challenges his other two brothers.

"I've put up with you guys far too long," Mikey says.

"Dude," Raph says. "You really don't wanna have that pain."

"Big talk for someone with such a limited vocabulary, Raph," Donnie mocks.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Leonardo says.

Raph smirks. "I'm always ready."

"Okay," Leonardo says. "Murakami-san?"

My uncle hands Leonardo a piece of Pizza Gyoza, and then Leonardo launches it up. Mikey, Raph and Donnie fight each other for it until they end up tangled on the floor.

"Watch this," Leonardo tells me and then takes out his katana. The Pizza Gyoza is about to fall into Mikey's mouth when Leonardo places the fine blade below it and the dumpling lands on it. Leonardo takes it and splits it in half, and gives me a piece.

"What happened to not wanting to play this dumb game?" Raph says.

"I just felt like playing after all," Leonardo says confidently and eats his pizza gyoza making me chuckle.

My unclen comes out with more orders of Pizza Gyoza. "My restaurant is very popular since I invented these for you. I want you to enjoy."

He hands us the food and we thank him to then dig in happily. Then, I notice Leonardo's a bit different and he goes to sit by the window.

"Leonardo?" I ask. "Are you alright?"

"He's thinking about her," Raph says with a hint of disgust.

"Karai is Master Splinter's daughter," Leonardo says. "How could she still wanna be with the Shredder?"

"You gotta have faith, Leo!" Mikey stands on the counter and says with his mouth full. Then he eats more Pizza Gyoza and keeps talking, but we don't understand a thing he's saying.

"Anyway..." Donnie says. "She'll come around."

"Personally I hope she doesn't," Raph says. "I don't trust her, not for one second."

"Yeah Raph," Donnie says when Mikey takes the Pizza Gyoza out of Raph's hand and he doesn't notice. "You can't trust anyone."

Raph ends up biting his own hand to later tackle Mikey to the ground. I hear Leonardo sigh and look out the window.

I sit next to him. "It'll be alright. After all it's not something so easy to digest. These things take... time, you know?"

"Thanks, Sara," he says.

I know his reasons are genuinely very good hearted, but there's something that still bothers me.

Does he still have feelings for Karai?

My uncle holds my shoulder before we leave. "Have you heard anything from Dante?"

"No," I reply. "Nothing."

He sighs. "I hope you find him. Wjere could he be?"

"Sara!" Mikey calls. "You comin'?"

"Yeah," I say, then hug my uncle. "I'll tell you as soon as we find something."

He nods, and I turn around to catch up with the turtles. We walk in the shadows to find our way to our favorite manhole. When Leonardo lifts the cover for me to go in, Mikey gasps.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"I feel like..." he says quietly. "Like we're forgetting something... MY PIZZA GYOZA!!"

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