Chapter 6

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Marina's POV

It's 8 o' clock on a Monday and I'm already in the classroom. I'm waiting on the principal who should be here any minute, with either good or bad news. As I'm writing some stuff down for today's lesson he knocks on the door, and I tell him to come in. "Good morning Marina, good to see you're so on time." He says to me with a smile as he stands next to my desk. "Why thank you sir, I just wanted to make up for my mistake last week." I reply, and look up to him as I lay my pen away and cross my arms. "Well, Marina, I have good news. News you've probably been waiting on." He says and my eyes light up. "I've talked to Mr. Peterson about it and he was okay with it to switch mentor roles. He was actually, kind of relieved. According to him Nicole is a real troublesome girl. Are you sure you want to go on with this?" He asks. "Yes, yes sir. I promised that girl something and I want to be here for her if she needs me that much." I reply with a smile. "That's that then, you can start today. Switch their English lesson to a mentor lesson." He says, and with a friendly pat on my back he walks away. "Good luck mentoring class 1-C, Marina." He says before he walks into the hallway.

My students arrive about 20 minutes later. I totally forgot I had class 1-C the first hour so I guess I just have to improvise. As they're all here and ready I decide to get up and sit on the corner of my desk. "Class, I have something to tell you. Put your books away, we're not doing English today." I watch them all put their books away and wait patiently. "My boss, the principal and otherwise known as Mr. Edwards told me I switched mentor roles with your mentor, Mr. Peterson." I say to them and to my surprise they actually cheer. "Alright alright, I know Mr. Peterson isn't the most fun teacher in the school," I say on a joking tone. "But! I can't be all that fun either. So let's start of with a round of questions, alright?" I say to them, expecting not the best questions in the world. After answering most of their questions, ofcourse not answering the really personal questions I tell them they can leave 10 minutes early. "But Nicole, I want you to stay." I say to her. I watch the class leave by the door and then close it once the last student is gone. "Come, sit." I say as I point to the chair in front of the table that's in front of my desk. And so she does, and so do I. "Nicole. I want to talk to you every week for maybe 5-10 minutes. Alright?" I say to her, and she looks at me with a smile. "Yes, thank you ma'am, that'd be great." She replies. After some more talking the bell rings and she leaves to her next lesson. As she walks out the door I can't help but notice her smile has faded to some sort of smirk, but it's probably nothing. I forget about it and continue my next lessons.

When lunch arrives I don't go to the teachers lounge, I stay in my classroom reading the files of the students. I suddenly hear knocking on the door and there stands Rick, with two cups of tea in his hands. "Did you just kick against the door?" I ask him jokingly, as he hands me my tea and sits down. "Well yeah, I can't just shout your name, can I?" He replies and we both laugh. "I couldn't stand Ariane's blabbering anymore, she kept going and going. So I decided to come look for you andfigured you were probably here." He says, taking a sip of his tea. "That's sweet. You really love my company don't you?" I reply, sliding the files to the side. "Well, can't say I'm not enjoying it. Too bad you're not a biology teacher. We could've been lab colleagues. I'm sure some kind of chemistry would take place." He says with a wink. Rick is such a flirter, I've always liked his company, even if he flirts this obvious. "Sure. Probably the chemistry of me burning my own hair with some highly flammable liquid." I reply and he bursts into laughter. "So, how is your mentor class?" He asks. "Pretty okay, mostly doing it for Nicole though. You know her right? Nicole Baker?" I reply to him. "Ah, that Nicole. Watch out for her Marina. She can manipulate you like no other student can." He says on a quite serious tone. "I'm not scared of her. She said she wanted me help. If she doesn't take it then that's the end of that." I reply, drinking the last sip of my tea. "Good. But I think I have to head to my own classroom. Your uh, your students are here." He says and I look to the door behind the glass window my students are standing, staring and laughing at us. "God not this again, they already think we're a thing." I sigh and he laughs, heading back to his own class with a lot a students yelling at him and asking things. "Ma'am, are you and Mr. Johnson a thing?" A student asks me and I sigh. "No, we're not. I'm married." I reply. The questions continue for about 5 more minutes until I can finally start the lesson.

The day goes by slowly, and by the end of the last lesson I'm completely wrecked. All the students leave the building and I get ready to leave too. But just then Nicole knocks on the door, and I allow her to come in. "Thank you for doing this for me ma'am. It means a lot to me there's a teacher who actually wants to help me instead of thinking I'm a 'problem student'.." She softly says. "Well Nicole, yes, I've heard some stuff about you and read your file, you're not an A+ student. But that doesn't mean I'm not helping you." I reply to her and she sort of smiles. "Thanks again. See you tomorrow, Marina." She says and before I can correct her she leaves. Rick's words circle around in my head. 'she can manipulate you like no other student can'. I get my stuff and walk out of the building, to my car, and drive home after getting in.

Once I arrive at home I park the car, get out with a groan and walk inside of the house, locking the door behind me. As soon as I turn around me Liz is standing in front of me ready to attack me. And so she does, sort of. She wraps her arms tightly around me, kissing me deeply. I drop my bag and wrap my arms back around her, leading her into the kitchen and pull her up to sit on the counter, where we finally break the kiss. "I missed you," She looks at me with the most adorable look on her face. "How was school? She asks. "Tiring," I lay my head against her chest and sigh. "I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this." I say tiringly. "Awe, babe, don't be like that. Where's that cheerful Marina I know?" She asks. "Not here." I say jokingly. I suddenly feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pull my head away from her chest. An e-mail. From Nicole?

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