Chapter 1

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Marina's POV

I've been living together, alone, with Liz for 1,5 years now. We lived at her parents house for half a year until I started to feel really bad that they had two hopeless lovebirds in their house, plus having one extra mouth to feed. So I bought us a house. It's basically all I've ever wanted. A big house, a lovely wife, and yes, a puppy! After I finished my last tour I quit as a singer entirely. I wanted to focus on my marriage and on Elizabeth more. But quite recent we discovered we're coming short on money, and that it's getting a bit of a hassle to come round of it. Hence why I started working as a teacher at a high school, which is what I wanted to do originally before becoming a singer. Even have a degree for it as well. It's not that terrible, it pays well, most of the students are really nice to me and my colleagues are fun too. I teach English, since it was one of the subjects I could start with almost immediately.

And just like that another workday starts for me. I hear my alarm go off at 6:30 and get up slowly but surely. After getting almost kicked out of the bed, that is. I take a shower only to be greeted with Liz behind the shower curtain causing me to jump slightly and let out a scream. "God, Liz, please don't do that to me at.. 7:30?! Shit, shit shit shit! I have to leave in 30 minutes!" I didn't notice the time went by so fast and quickly run out of the shower towards my closet. "I'm sorry, I just hate it when you have to leave." I hear Liz softly say before walking downstairs, not giving me time to reply. Having done my hair up in a loose bun and neutral makeup I rush downstairs and almost fall down the stairs while trying to squeeze myself in jeans only to be once again greeted with Liz, who actually made coffee for me and put it in my thermos and a sandwich to take with me. The sweetheart, she gets up together with me just to make sure I leave the house with at least something to eat. I tuck my blouse into my jeans and give her a kiss, running outside towards my car. I sit down hastily only to find out I somewhat tore my blouse underneath my armpit. Why does this happen to me? Not having time to run back inside I just embrace it and drive to work. Ignoring several stop signs and red lights I arrive at the school. I jump out of my car, lock it and run inside. Crap, my class for the first hour is already there. I walk inside of the classroom kind of rushed and sit down at my desk, taking my moment and taking a deep breath I stand up again. "Good morning class. I'm sorry I'm a bit too late, I had some issues at home." Luckily they seem to understand and I can continue my lesson.

The day seems to last forever, and once lunch arrives I finally head to the teacher's lounge to eat my sandwich Liz made for me. I plop down onto the couch with a big sigh, only to have Rick, the biology teacher from the class nextdoors say to me; "Someone got out on the wrong side of the bed this morning." I sigh, then laugh. "Oh, don't even get me started." I lift my arm to reveal the somewhat large hole in my blouse and he almost bursts into laughter. "It's not funny! This is the blouse my wife bought for me." I lean my head back and let out a big groan. I still hear him giggle, and look at him with one eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask. "Nothing, nothing. I just keep forgetting you have a wife. Kinda hot to be honest." He jokes, and I get up just to hit him against his arm. "You can't even get one." I joke to him as I sit back down and finally take a bite out of my sandwich. "Hey! I can't help ladies find me too intimidating." I burst out in laughter as I hear him say it. "That's why Paula and Ariane dodge you, huh?" I reply. "Alright, alright. I get it. And by the way, I could totally get Ariane if I even wanted to." He says. And just as he says it Ariane walks in together with another colleague, leaving her and Rick both speechless. "I uh, I'm gonna go now, I have some uh, work to do. See you around Marina." He shyly says as he walks away.

Once the last students from the last lesson leave I check the last work some students turned in, put everything away, lock the classroom and head to my car. Once at my car I notice Rick is standing at his car smoking a cigarette, so I decide to join him. "Oh hey, want one?" He offers me, but I refuse. "Not a smoker huh?" He asks. "Nope, I think it's disgusting." I reply. I think about when Liz told me she's a smoker about 1 month into our marriage. I wasn't that happy. But if she really wants to do it, she has to do it outside. Which she does. We talk quite a while about work, who our favorite students are, etc. When I notice it's almost 5:30 I decide I head home. I wave him goodbye and drive back home.

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