Chapter 12

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Marina's POV

"You're positive about who it is?" Elizabeth asks the morning after during breakfast. "Yes, Liz! It's got to be her!" I say with a snarky undertone in my voice. "Don't have to raise your voice at me, else you can just go to your new lover, sure he's got a spot free for you." She says to me. I look at her with a disgusted look. "Oh no. Oh don't even start that, not now." I say to her. "Not now? Then when? When you guys are engaged?" She replies, her voice getting louder. "Fuck you, Liz." I say to her as I walk towards the front door, grabbing my jacket from the coat hanger and get out, slamming the door shut behind me. I get in my car and drive off, with absolutely no idea where I'm heading.

"So now you two are in a fight? Because of a stupid article and because of me?" Rick asks me, I decided to go to his place. "She's the one being so dramatic. I'm just lucky you can't see what's really going on on the last picture." I reply to him, taking a sip of the coffee he gave me. "Hot. And yes, you and I are both lucky with that. But you're positive it's Nicole?" He asks me, sitting down in front of me. "It has to be, who else would do this to me?" I say to him, sighing loudly. "Hey now, we'll get to the bottom of this. I'll go talk to Elizabeth, explain that nothing's going on." He says to me. "Yeah, good luck getting in. It'd be a miracle if I'm getting back in." I say to him, a soft chuckle following. "Come on, everything will be alright." He replies to me, as he sets his cup away in the sink and makes me go outside, to my car. Once we're both in I drive us to my house, which takes about 10 minutes. As we arrive we both get in and walk towards the front door. I unlock the door and walk inside, with Rick closing the door as I walk towards the kitchen only to find a smoking Elizabeth there. "What are you doing here?" Liz says to me as she throws the bud into the sink, waving in the air to make the smoke disappear. "I thought you quit? Or am I stressing you out so much you can't help yourself?" I say to her, using air quotations. She stares at me, both guilt and anger in her eyes. Then, out of nowhere she slaps me right on the cheek. "Woah woah woah, alright. Let's calm down." Rick says as he comes storming into the kitchen, seperating us. "What's he doing here?!" Elizabeth yells at me. "If you'd just listen to him, please?" I reply to her, holding my hand against my cheek.

"Nothing happened? Like nothing, nothing?" She softly asks Rick as they're both sitting on the couch, while I'm sitting on the chair in front of them. "No, nothing happened. That kiss on her forehead was just because I was happy for the both of you this is now over, which apparently isn't over." He says with a tiny smile, making Elizabeth stand up and hug me in my chair. "Oh baby.. Oh honey I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you." She says to me as she lays a thousand kisses on my cheek. "It's alright honey, all I want right now is whoever did this to be caught." I say to her, pressing my lips against hers.

Rick stayed the whole evening and left quite late after a fun night. The morning after I wake up, full of life and ready to go to work. For once I'm early as I walk towards my car. The ride towards work goes as slow as the other days though, but I still arrive there about 10 minutes later. I walk inside my classroom and about 5 minutes later my first class walks in, my mentoring class. I watch everyone walk in and take their seat, and last but not least Nicole walks in and sits at her desk which is luckily in front of me. "Good morning class, I hope you've had a great week so far. Because today, we're going to talk about cyberbullying." I say as I look into the class, eyeing every student. I let some students who've been a victim of it say their thing and start a little discussion. "It's really great to see how you guys are super supportive to each other. You see, I've been a victim of it too. Not too long ago actually." I say to them. "Do you know who did it?" A student asks me. "Not 100%, but I'm sure of it." I say in reply. "Who??" Several students ask me, including Nicole. In reply I lay down the printed article in front of Nicole, to which her eyes widen and her skin gets paler. "I-I didn't do this. I swear!" She says to me. "Oh really? Which other student knows where I live? None of my colleagues know it." I lied. All of them know it, but she doesn't have to know that. "You shouldn't have kissed him then!" Nicole blurts out. Got her. "Kissed? No. It was just a friendly talk, which YOU turned into a making out session. I can have you expelled for this, Nicole." I say to her, to which she responds by crying. Ofcourse. I dismiss the class 20 minutes early and make Nicole stay. "You know you have to come clean about this. The principal already asked me about this and I'm on the edge of losing my job. You also have to apologise to Rick and my wife." I say to her, sitting on her desk and looking down at her. "Promise you won't get me expelled?" She asks me softly. "I can't promise anything, Nicole. " I reply.

After a long talk with her mostly explaining why she did it in the first place I sent her home. I remain in the classroom thinking about what she told me, quite shocking, if I'm honest. Rick has already left to go home and after about 20 minutes of thinking and wandering around in the room I decide to go home as well. The drive home takes longer than usual, and as I arrive home I stay inside my car for a little while longer before getting out and walking inside. Inside I'm greeted by Liz with a hug and a kiss. "How was your day?" She asks me. I sigh, running my hand through my hair as I set my bag down on the kitchen table. "Well, I confronted Nicole about it. Ofcourse at first she denied it, but when I continued asking stuff she snapped and blurted something out." I say to her, looking at her with a faint smile. "Oh. And? What happened then?" She asks me, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed as I sit down on a chair. "She explained everything and said she was genuinly sorry. I think I believe she's actually sorry about the whole thing, she had that look in her eyes, you know?" I reply to her. She nods and hums. "So, is it all okay now, or?" She asks as she comes sit on my lap. "I hope so." I say to her as I look at her. She moves her hand to my cheek and caresses it before kissing me deeply. "Come, let's go out and have dinner. I'm paying." She says, smiling at me. I nod and smile back.

Our Future (sequel to Our Honeymoon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن