Chapter 9

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Hi I'm so so sorry for taking a while to update. I've been having a lot of difficulties these past weeks but it's all good now. (: But thank you for 1.5k votes! Means a lot to me! You guys are so amazing! I love you guys so much! Thank you for reading this book!

goal: 100 votes 40 comments



Niall tightly grips my hand, interlocking our fingers. He's never done this before? We are now walking down a pathway. The view here is fascinating. He slowly loosen his grip from my hand. I look forward to see a blanket and a basket of food.

Hella cliche

"O-Oh Niall, this is beautiful." I say.

He stares at me with adoration. I slowly look at him so we are both looking at each other. I give him a little shy smile that causes his cheeks to turn a little red.

Nice job harry.

"Well, Lets start eating I'm starving I can't wait any longer!" Niall says already making his way towards the basket.

Fat ass. I may or may not checked him out when he bent down, whoops. I slowly chuckled and joined niall and this eating fest.

••• skipping the eating part bc who wants to read how the fuck they eat lmao•••

We were now laying down on the blanket. It was quite. A peaceful silence. I could lay here forever. Just looking up in the sky hearing the wind blow, hearing the grass sway back and forth.

"Harry?" I head niall.

I gave a little "hm" to signal that im still here.

"After the contract are we still going to keep in contact?" He ask in a very low voice as if he was nervous for my answer.

"I-I hope so." I say, stuttering a little.

He turns his head so that he is now looking at me.

"Why did you do this?" I blurt out.

Nice fucking job you dumb shit.

"Well, i did this because i felt bad on how I've been acting lately. Plus we haven't really communicated til the last few weeks. We actually got along!" He laughs a little at the end.

I laugh along. Thinking of the first month we "been together".

TAKES YA BACK IN TIME TO THE FIRST MONTH, ps. Too damn lazy to put an actual date sorry yall•

"Tell me why the hell did i agree to date you?" I say with an attitude.

Niall rolls his eyes at me as if i was a child.

"God how the hell do people think you're a sweetheart?" He says.

I gasp at his rudeness.

"Why do people even date an asshole like you?" I say back.

This fucking nail guy is already pissing me off.

"Nice little comeback you did there little twink."

oh jesus please give the strength to not rip his head off.

"Just so you know I'm just doing this for the fame and money. I don't care about your feelings or anything. I just want what i was offered." He says in a serious tone.


I frown at the memory.

He will never care about you harry. He will never like you. He only wants the money and fame.

"Harry are you okay?" Niall asks. I turn my head towards niall, he has a worried expression.

"Y-yeah im fine just thinking." I say.

"Oh, looked like you were going to cry." He says.

I let out a chuckle to play it off.

"Harry?" Niall says again.

"What ya want this time horan." I say letting out a giggle.

"I met this girl the other day, her name is celine and i like her. But I don't think both of our mangers would like that." He says with a sad voice.

Wtf he likes a girl?! Wtf.

"You like a girl?" I say. Damn it harry fucking think before you say something.

Niall lets out a deep chuckle.

"Course i do, im pansexual." He says.

I let a "hm".

I'm already hurt.


Niall POV

I could see the pain in harry's eyes when i told him about celine.

What he didn't know is that celine is his next partner that he has to go with after the contract of his and harry's is finished.

One half of him is happy but the other half is sad.

Oh harry what did you do to me.


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