Chapter 7:Jay and Alyssa's Wedding

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Alyssa remembered all the battles she fought along side of him. She remembered Kronos's war,Joining all demigod forces no matter where the God was from,Preventing a huge war of the demigods,Saving Disappeared demigods,and the full war. Alyssa still had a lightning sword. Nyada complimented her and the other girls on their dresses. Nyada got married two months ago. Alyssa walked to the podium.

"Jay Morgan,Do you take Mrs.Alyssa Jennings as your lovely wedded wife?",Chiron asked

"I do.",Jay said

"Alyssa Jennings,Do you take Mr.Jay Morgan as your lovely wedded husband?",Chiron asked

"I do.",Alyssa said

"Presenting Mr.Jay and Mrs.Alyssa Morgan.",Chiron said

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