Chapter 16

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Demi POV

I woke up on the floor cramped up... my body hurts so much... i see out the window that its night time and selena is not here... i go to the bathroom and see my make up everything smeard and i wash it away... i grab my phone and see a few messages... ariana.. my mom.. SELENA. i read it

From: Sel <3

i think we should just stay away from eachother for a while.

i take a deep breath and sit in the living room going threw the rest of the messages.

From: Ariana Grande :*

Hey dem, Missing you 

i sigh and go to the next message 

From: Mum<3

Maddie wanted to know if she could go to LA for a while with you?

i text my mom that she could come and i text ariana that something happend and i instantly got a call " dem whats wrong?" she asks right when i pick up " selena found out.... she dosent want to see me nothing this was such a mistake" there is silence on the like " well.... okay maybe just forget everything.. it was fun, bye dem " i sigh and say " wait... im sorry, i really love spending time with you but you have to understand... ive been with selena since i was 14, i cant let it go... can we be friends?" she sighs and groans " yeah sure... bye demi " i say bye and lay on the couch groaning frustratedly and i hear the front door open and i see selena with some shopping bags laughing with taylor swift and they both look at me akwardly " sel...." i say under my breath and her smile dissapears " oh i thought you would be out " i look at her like she is insane and i sigh " ok ill just go " i grab my phone and keys pushing past here and she grabs my arm " baby!" i turn around " ya?" she hugs me tight and i hug her back letting a few tears out and she sighs letting go " come back later " i nod and leave the house.

Selena POV

I spent the day with taylor because she always takes my mind off of things, we went shopping and when we got to Demi and I's house Demi was there on the couch looking like a hot mess...everything got super akward and i heard demi say " sel...." under my breath " oh i thought you would be out " she looks at me a bit mad and i turn to taylor who shrugs " ok ill just go " she says and i feel my heart breaking while shes grabs her keys and phone... i feel like shes leaving me forever, i have to make sure she comes back " baby!" i scream and she turns " ya?" i hug her hard and whisper in her ear " come back later " she nods and leaves to her car and i go inside with taylor " why did you tell her to come back " i sigh putting my stuff down and we sit in the kitchen " i felt like she was gonna leave forever... i cant have that " taylor nods and sits on the counter " wanna make cookies?" i smile and nods going to the cabinets and collecting the ingredients... 

when the cookies are done we lay around the living room eating them and watching movies " so whats it like to be with a girl?" taylor asks and i giggle " its really nice... she understands me better than anyone else " she smiles and thinks for a while " maybe i should try that " i laugh and roll around the floor " yeah... taylor swift with a girl.. i can imagine the headlines now" we crack up and eat more cookies ... 

After a while taylor had to go so go upstairs into my room and i see all the sheets messed up and clothes thrown around... did they... nah .. i hear the downstairs door open and i go to the stairs watching demi walk in with some bags " need help?" i ask from up here and she shakes her head taking off her sun glasses " im alright" she puts some stuff in the kitchen then comes up stairs tasking off her shoes " dem can i ask you something?" she nods and she starts to clean up her clothes from the floor " did yall... do it here?" she sighs and continues to clean and i look down " i guess thats a yes " she looks up with tears in her eyes " Selena im sorry.... i just.. i dont know what happened to me" i nod and rub my face in frustration and i sigh " do i have to worry about this when i go back on tour tomorrow?" she shakes her head stepping towards me and holds my hand " sel i love you.. it wont happen again im so so sorry... your like my wife already... im sorry " i see the sadness and desperation in her eyes and i kiss her cheek " i dont want you cheating on me demi " she nods and i sigh letting go of her hands " ill think about it more later" she nods and kisses my softly and i wrap my arms around her missing being in her arms " i missed you " hse whispers and i nod " yeah... its so obvious " she groans and pulls away and goes to bed... i sigh and go down stairs to the music room and sit at the piano.. i close my eyes and i start to sing one of demis new songs she showed me that i feel in love with " maybe you shouldnt come back... maybe you shouldnt come back to me" i feel tears come to my eyes and i take a breath then i start to play love will remeber the original version we wrote.... i feels hands on my shoulders and i turn to see demi " come to bed " she whispers wipeing away my tears and i nod standing up.. she holds my hand walking me to the room and i get into bed with my arms wrapped around her.

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