Chapter 4

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Selena POV 

Justin wants me to go on tour with him for a couple of dates.... Demis not going to be happy about it though... But he is right... itll keep people guessing about him and I and its not like its for real .. its just a week or so, Oh my god ... " selena why are you up so early?" Demi asks coming down stairs in her Pjs ... she looks so perfect with her bed hair and glasses. " i went for a run " i say while drinking some coffee " oh... ok" demi walks past me no hug.. no kiss... shes not happy with me " babe can we talk?" i ask and she pulls a pop tart out of the pantry sitting next to me " sup?" she asks opening the wrapper. I take a deep breath and start to explain " justin wants me to go to a couple dates with him from his tour... like a week or so long..." i say and she looks up into my eyes... it seems like shes searching for something, after a minute of pure silence she breaks the pop tart in half eating a piece " you want to go?" she asks and i shrug " im whatever about it... its up to you demi " i say getting a bit nervous and she keeps eating then stands up pouring herself a cup of coffe " do whatever you want sel.. its cool " she says and i sigh in relif " okay... i want to go jst for press... so alright " she nods sipping her coffee putting a thumbs up " i have XFactor next week so its cool anyways." .. i grab my phone and kiss her cheek stealing a piece of pop tart and go up stairs for a shower calling Justin ... " Hey beautiful.. sup? " he say when he picks up " im down to go with you for the week ".. " alright cool baby ill meet you in Miami on Saturday" he says and i write it down on my calander "alright bye" i hang up and start too book my flight then i text my manager telling him whats going on and a bring out my suit case then Demi walks in the room " well then someones excited " she says and i smile a little at her " nah... what day is it today?" i ask " thursday " she says and i sigh " okay i leave saturday" she nods and sits on the side of the bed that dosent have my suit case " ill miss you... " she says mumbling and i kiss her cheek " you too dem." i say a bit disracted packing all my things quickly.

Demi POV

when i walk into the room i see Sel packing her things already. " well then someones excited " i say.. im a bit suprised how fast she started packing  " nah... what day is it today?" she asks  " thursday " she has a suprised look on her face. " okay i leave saturday" i nod and sit on the empty spot of the bed. feeling my heart drop but i hold myself together " ill miss you... " i say shyly hope " you too dem." Selena says while going around the room and i feel so done with this. I lay back on the bed on twitter scrolling threw Trends and its all #JELENA stuff ... bleh

< Saturday Morning>

I wake up to the sound of heels walking up and down the wood floor and i sit up seeing selena all dressed up " you want me to drive you to the airport?" i ask looking at my phone its 6 AM " that'd be perfect .. thanks " she says and i get up putting some studded shorts and a band tee on and some boots. " ready?" i say and she nods... i take her suite case down stairs and she grabs her purse... i put everything in the car and she gets in the car doing things on her phone " When do you get back?" i say and she dosent answer for a few minutes " uhhhh next monday " she says distractedly and i sigh... im stopped at a red light and i rub my face waking up a bit..... 

Finally we get to LAX and she gets out of the car and so do i taking out her suite case.. " Alright then ill see you..." i say with sadness and she smiles " bye dem!" she says in a cheery voice and i just want to die.. she hugs me quickly then walks into the airport going to the check in as fans start to come up to her... i get in the car quick so they dont notice me and i drive off as fast as i can. she really just totally ignored me, or my feelings... what the fuck is up with this girl. I get hom finally and i turn my phone off running up the stairs and i jump into bed falling back asleep with tears in my eyes " whatever shes a stupid cunt sometimes " i mumble to myself trying to get reasurance that im right.

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