
"That's gross." He shrugged and kissed me again. "Ew." I hid my face in his chest and he laughed.

"Come on." He said, standing up.



"Oh yeah!" I said, realizing that we were still at school. He laughed at me and helped me walk back to class. "Thank you." I mouthed to him as we sat back down in our seats. I layed my head down on the desk and faced him. He held up seven fingers and I looked at him in confusion before he tapped his wrist where a watch would be. Oh, seven minutes left. He smiled and continued to draw.

I was still watching him when the bell rang. I jumped and he looked at me before putting his book and pencils away. The teacher was still talking but it didnt seem like anyone was paying attention to him so he gave up and told us to do our homework. Everyone packed up and eventually ran out of the room with their friends.

When we got into the hallway I stood closer to Vic and he moved me in between him and the wall with an arm around my waist. All of the people scared me and I guess he caught on to it. I put my head on his shoulder then closed my eyes and just let him lead me out of the school to his and Mike's car. I hate people.

"Mike said he was getting a ride from a friend."

"Sounds kinky." I giggled. He shook his head and laughed. I walked to the passenger side and got in the car.

"Wanna play a game?" I asked as he sat down.

"It depends," he said cautiously. "Will I regret it?"

"Possibly... maybe. I don't know."

"Um... okay. What game?"

"20 questions.... kinda" he nodded and started the car.

"Seatbelt." I rolled my eyes but did as I was told.

"Birthday?" I asked.

"February 10th..." he said in confusion. "Are you literally just going to ask me random questions?"

"Yup. One, two." I held up two fingers. "Favorite movie?"

"Ummmm... Patch Adams, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Bridge to Terabithia."

"Wow... really?" He shrugged and drove out of the parking lot. "Okay... um, favorite color?"


"Favorite dessert" I asked, holding up four fingers.

"Cupcakes." He smiled.

"What kind?"

"Red velvet or chocolate."

"Why not vanilla?"

"I don't do vanilla." He said seriously at first and then smiled when he saw my reaction. "Just kidding..."

"Well then. Number 7, favorite book?"

"Guitar notes." I looked at him in confusion. "It's about this guy who plays guitar in the band room of a school at lunch because his mom doesn't allow him to make music and that's all im going to say because when we get home im making you read it." He smiled widely and bounced slightly in his seat. He's adorable, in a dorky way of course. I smiled to myself. I continued to ask random questions, none of them which were of much importance. Then came number 20.

"And lastly, biggest fear?" We were sitting in the driveway, facing eachother.

"Um... as of right now?" I nodded. "You don't want to know that." He fake laughed and turned to face the steeringwheel.

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