Chapter 3

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Vic- Oh hey! Um. Just wanted to talk I guess.

Kellin- Oh, what about?

Vic- Nothing specific.

Kellin- Oh okay. Well, can we text in the morning. I'm tired and I'm gonna head to bed.

Vic- Alright. Night Kellin.

I put my phone down and plugged it up to the charger by my bed. I got up and turned the light off and crawled under my covers before rolling over and soon falling asleep.

-Next Morning-

I woke up to my alarm and saw a message on my phone.

Vic- Morning dude. No school today. Wanna come over?

Kellin- I don't really know you... and what would we do?

Vic- True. And we could play Xbox or watch movies or something.

I thought about it. I mean, it would be fun to get out of the house and I haven't hung out with anyone in almost a year.

I grabbed my stuff before texting Vic and getting his address. I walked to his house and knocked on the door. I heard something hit the floor and then a guy opened the door.

"WAIT NO!" I heard Vic yell from inside the house.

"Who are you?" The guy at the door said.

"Mike, that's Kellin. Let him in please." The guy I'm guessing was Mike opened the door and stepped to the side. He waved at Vic and walked to his car. I walked inside to see Vic laying on the ground beside the couch.

"Um... hi." He said looking up at me. His shirt had come up when he fell and I could see his ribs. He was really skinny.

"Hey. Uh, why are you on the floor? And i like your shirt. I said referring to his Asking Alexandria shirt. He pulled it down to cover his torso and then stood up.

"Long story, and thanks. Hey follow me." He said while running up the stairs. He walked into a room and quickly grabbed a guitar and hid it in the closet. He grabbed some papers off his bed and stuffed them in a binder then slid it under his bed.

"Don't mind the mess. Um... you can sit down if you want" He said. I looked back and forth trying to find a chair. I didn't want to sit on the bed because I felt like it could be seen as an invitation. I started to get nervous when I couldn't find anything else to use as a seat and I was scared that I would make it awkward by sitting on floor. "Oh, uh, there's a chair under the desk over there"

I walked over and grabbed the chair. My phone beeped and i looked at it.

No school today. Will resume tomorrow.
I saw in a message bubble. I locked my phone and slid it back in my pocket. I looked up at Vic. He was looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head and stood up. He walked to the left of me and grabbed a beanie out of his drawer and put it over his hair. He moved the uneven strands out of his eyes and then sat on his bed. He grabbed a thin blanket from the bottom of his bed and pulled it up to the middle of his stomach.

There was a loud noise from the wall behind me and I jumped up out of the chair and started breathing heavily.

"Kellin, it's just the AC turning on." He said trying to calm me down. I kept breathing heavily as the vents started to loudly release air. I saw him stand up and walk towards me.

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