Chapter 5

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I looked down at my feet as I heard the door to Mike's room close. I sat back down on the bed. It was still warm and the scent made me want to go back to sleep.

Vic walked in the room and sat on the bed. I felt a hand on my back. Why am I on my stomach? I just sat down.

"You need to wake back up. It's time to go." I heard him tell me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was smirking at me.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked and realized I sounded groggy. "Hmm. Maybe I did fall back asleep." I added.

"You did. It's been 15 minutes. It's time to leave." He said after laughing slightly.

"Why are you still smiling like that?" I asked again.

"Um. No reason. Get up. We're going to be late and Mike is going to be upset." My eyes opened wider and i walked to his dresser. I dont like when people are upset with me.

"Which clothes can i wear?" I asked quietly.

"Any of them. I dont care." He said. I stood there for a minute and then opened the top drawer and grabbed a shirt.

"Do you know if any of the jeans will fit me?" I asked looking in the second drawer.

"Um. Worse case scenario is they might be slightly short."

"But we're basically the same height."

"Yeh, basically, but not exactly. Just pick some pants." He said before getting up and walking over to me. I reached in and grabbed the first pair i saw. They were black and had rips in them. I walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I quickly changed and came back out into the room.

"You can just put your clothes in the basket and we'll wash them when we get home." I nodded and did what he said. He walked out the bedroom door and I followed him.

When we got in the car I sat in the back and pulled Vic's arm so he would sit with me. When he got settled i leaned on him and  relaxed.

"Why do you do that?" He said randomly.


"Lean on me. And why do you instantly relax?"

"Because you're comfortable and i actually have no idea about the second part." I said before opening my eyes and looking up at him.

"Okay. Just wondering." He said and looked back up to Mike in the front seat.

Several minutes later the car stopped and Mike got out. I sat up and unbuckled. Vic got out of the car and waited for me to follow.

-Time Skip to lunch time-

I walked to the chorus room but when I went to open the door, it was locked.

I backed up and accidentally bumped into someone and their tray fell to the floor.

"I'm so sorry. I'll buy you more food. I'm sorry." I said panicking.

"Fuck you!" The guy said and pushed me against wall. His hands were gripping my upper arms and i couldn't move. His grip was starting to burn and i started to remember everything that happened on that day with her. She was grabbing me.

"Hey leave him alone." I heard. I was starting to breathe heavily and my vision was blurring. The grip on my arms abruptly left and I fell to the floor with my legs to my chest. The only thing I could see was small dots of color and then Vic's face.

I heard a yell and then his eyes closed tightly. I began rubbing the tops of my arms. I stood up before looking down at Vic.

"Vic?" I said quietly. He looked up and stood before grabbing me around my ribs and gently pushing me towards the main doors.

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