Chapter 6

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I stepped forward and hugged Vic. He snaked his arms around my waist and sighed.

"Do you want to lay down? You haven't slept much." He asked while resting his hands in the small of my back. I shook my head and put my chin on his chest so i could still see him.

"Please?" He asked again, this time he tilted his head to the side a bit.

"Only if you lay with me. You haven't slept much either and I don't want to let go yet."

"Okay." He agreed and smiled at me. He let me go then walked to the bed in his room. I followed after him, sat down on the blankets and pulled him with me.

"I can only lay here for a little bit. I still have to take the car back and do laundry." He said and started arranging pillows at the top of the bed. I layed down then he did the same.

"Okay." I closed my eyes and stayed still. After a few seconds i opened my eyes to see him smirking again like he was this morning.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I asked just loud enough for him to hear.


"Well I would hope so." I said and lightly laughed.

"Because you're adorable." When I heard him, I felt my cheeks heat up. He just smiled at me and moved closer. I layed against him and placed my palms on his chest. The steady beating under them luring me towards sleep.

I heard screaming and I woke up suddenly. My eyes snapped open and the bed around me was empty. I sat up and tears began falling on my arms.

"Hold on Kellin!" I heard from outside of the room. Vic appeared in the door way and I latched onto him as soon as he was close enough. He lifted up my legs and set me in his lap. My body curled into his and he ran his hand over my back.

"You're alright. It was just a dream." He whispered to me. It took me a while to stop crying, but when I did, I let out a long breath and shut my eyes. He was still whispering to me.

"You left." I said before letting out a shaky breath.

"Yeah. I didn't make it down the stairs before you screamed. I had just gotten up."

"How long did you lay here?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"About three hours. Mike called me to come get him." He layed his face in the crook of my neck.

"Did you fall asleep?"

"Actually, no. I just couldn't talk myself into leaving you and going to get him." He half laughed and ran his hand over the gauze on my wrist. I started to panic and i pulled away from him.

"Hey. It's okay, I've already seen it. I actually rewrapped it and the spot on your shoulders too." I looked down and my arms were covered in a light blue cloth. My body started shaking and tears formed in my eyes. My breathing became labored, and then tears fell from my eyes.

"Aw, Kellin. Why are you crying?" I heard his voice and i was suddenly aware of everything happening around me. I could feel his breath on my neck, his hand touching where my shirt had come up slightly, how his chest felt against my arm, how he was holding me so gently. All of my senses were on overdrive. I cried harder and hid my face in his shirt.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked. I froze and his body tensed. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"You're fine. Don't worry about it." I said, and started laughing.

"Why were you crying?"

"Everything is so real. Like you're treating me nicely. Hell, I'm sitting in your lap crying and I've only known you for a couple days. I trust you even with everything that's happened. I.. i dont know how to explain what just happened. Everything was overwhelming. But in a good way." I looked at him and he was staring at me with a blank expression.

"I know what you mean. I couldn't leave because i felt the exact same thing that you did. I layed there for hours analyzing anything and everything that came to mind. I couldn't get out of my head. When Mike called me, i thought it had only been around 10 minutes. He was angry because i didn't return the car, but I couldn't seem to be anxious. Nothing felt real and then everything hit me at once."

"Hey Vic? Does this mean we're friends?"

"What do you mean?" His face changed and he looked confused.

"I don't really know if we're friends. I'm not quite sure what it's like. I've always just been by myself." I said and looked at my hands.

"Yeah. We're friends. As long as you want to be around me and enjoy my company then we're friends. Now then, let's go get Mike before he kills me." He said and then stood up before releasing my legs. I put my feet on the ground and before he could walk further i turned and hugged him.

"I don't think i want to be friends." I stated bluntly. His arms tensed around me and his breathing stopped.

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