Chapter 15

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I woke up slowly and turned onto my back. Vic's fingers were still pulling through my hair softly.

"Good morning." He smiled.

"Liar." There was no way. I fell asleep around two in the afternoon.

"No, I'm not kidding. It's four a.m. I just checked the time before you woke up." He showed me his phone and it showed 4:08 am.

"Damn, okay. You didn't fall asleep?" He just shook his head, still smiling. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It wasn't because of you."

"Then what was wrong?"


"You seem to do that a lot." I turned to face his shirt again and closed my eyes. I could easily fall back asleep.

"Yeah, i know. It sucks..." he seemed sad and I pulled up his shirt and lightly kissed his tummy. He laughed and tried to pull away from me. "Stop. It tickles."

"Hmm. You giggle." I said, smiling widely.

"I do not! I am manly."

"You are adorable." I laughed and put my lips to his belly again, causing him to giggle.

"Stop it." He whined after I put his shirt back down. I sat up and looked at him then pushed his shoulders onto the bed and straddled his waist. He had a curious look on his face but it quickly changed as he realized what was happening. "No, no no. Don't tickle me." He pleaded, shaking his head.

"And why not?"

"You'll wake Mike up."

"I won't do anything. That's up to you."

"Kellin please no. Don't tickle-" he started before giggling again. "Stop it!" He whined and flailed.

"But i don't want to." He tried to flip over under me but I wouldn't let him. He was laughing uncontrollably.

"Kellin! I can't breathe!" He said gasping for air. I pulled my hand away slightly for a moment and after he took a few deep breaths, I continued my tickle torture. Honestly, this is probably the cutest thing ever.

He was squirming around under me and every once in a while I would pause to let him breathe. He was giggling pretty hard and I leant down to kiss him. After a very short amount of time, he pulled away.

"One minute, my lungs burn." He said attempting to laugh. He sighed and then smiled before flipping us over so he was pinning me to the bed. His fingers attacked my neck and I turned my head to block them but they moved to the other side.

"If you tickle me I am not responsible for any injuries that may occur." I said when I got a moment to breathe.

"You're just lucky I can't tickle your sides." He said referring to my ribs. In all honesty, breathing this hard and laughing hurt but I didn't want to say anything. He looked really happy and I didn't want to ruin it. Every time something hurts me he apologizes even if he has nothing to do with it. I don't want him to be sad and it's hard to cheer him up after. I stuck my tongue out at him and he started to tickle me again. His knee hit my ribs and I tried to focus on him tickling me but it happened again and I couldn't breathe. I started to panic then I thought of a way to distract him without making him sad.

"You know, I quite like you on top of me." I stated when he let me breathe.

"Hmm, likewise." He said looking down at where he was sitting. He moved his hand to my hair and pushed it out of my face.

"Hey Vic?"


"Do you have any Advil?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound neutral. The more I breathed, the more pain I was in and I couldn't catch my breath.

"Did I hurt you?" He looked scared and started to move off of me. I put my hand on his arm to stop him.

"No, I've been hurting since I woke up."

"Oh. Did i make it worse?"

"No babe, you're fine. In both meanings of the word." He blushed slightly and looked away for a second.

"I don't think we have Advil but I know we have Tylenol." He said, looking down at me again.


"Oh! And Mike bought an Ace bandage while you were asleep." My smile faded and I felt bad. "What's wrong?"

"I had money. I wish he didn't buy it." I felt down and pathetic now. I'm not used to people doing stuff for me and it makes me feel guilty when they do.

"Kellin stop. I don't know what you're thinking about, but please stop." I looked up at him again and he looked at me with a concerned expression. Is this normal? Like, is this how people normally are? Do they get you stuff and try to make you happy, or was I right to feel uncomfortable. I was pulled from my thoughts by his lips connecting with mine. My arms went around his neck loosely to hold him to me. When he pulled away my hands covered my now smiling face.

"Well that's one way to get me to stop thinking." I mumbled through my hands.

"Why are you covering your face?"

"I don't know." My cheeks heated as he grabbed my hands, moving them from my face.

"Hi." He said smiling.

"Hi." He leaned back down to kiss me again. His lips were warm and soft on mine. He licked my bottom lip and I parted my lips to let him in. A fire ignited inside of me and I put my arms around his back and pulled him closer to me. I kissed him hungrily and he rolled his hips. A moan escaped my lips as he continued to grind against me. I pushed against him and he made a slight noise, then bit my lip and stopped his movements. He kissed my neck once and then laid his face on my skin.

I did my best to steady my breathing by taking slow, shallow breaths because i knew there wasnt anything i could do about the situation. I so badly wanted to move against him but as I thought to do so his hands moved to my hips. I slipped my fingers under his shirt and onto his stomach.

"You sitting on me creates a problem." I said referring to my now very tight jeans.

"Two actually." He mumbled into my neck.

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