Game 5

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Macis outfit above
Maci's pov
It's gameeee day I hear Klay screaming through out the house waking Trayce and me up in grumpy moods. I walk downstairs to see a woke awake Klay smiling at me saying who wants IHOP bc were going. I scream I want pancakes and go change into my outfit for game day. Trayce goes back to bed. Well we don't need him to go anyways. I walk downstairs with Klay saying nice outfit and winking duh I support my want to be bae bc he's 😍😍🔥. We get in the car and go. We walk in to find Ayesha and steph along with Ryan and Riley. We sit down with them and Ayesha looks between us and winks again. She making me angry in a good way I roll my eyes back and she laughs. We order and make small talk about the game and in how dray was suspended and our thoughts on that. We were all pretty upset with it bc LeBron was the cause of it he's just a bully and knows how to get his way around the rules. We get up and Klay and steph ride together to a practice and shoot around while Ayesha and I head over to Lauren's to hang for a while and catch up before the game. Ayesha drove us all to the arena we took our seats as the guys came out I smiled at Klay as he walked over with steph as he kissed Ayesha, Riley, and Ryan Klay pecked my cheek and smiled at me. Omgosh I was falling harder and harder for this guy. We sat down and had a moment of silence for the Orlando tragedy. Then my personal favorite signer Andy grammar sang the national anthem. Them the game started we got the jump ball we score and head down the floor. Irving knocks down a three and Klay tried for a three but misses. Curry knock down a three. The game advances on and Klay puts up a little jumper. Bogut gets a nice block on LeBron and we bring it back down the court and igudola puts a left handed lay up in. Ohhh crap were tied 22-22. Nice work Barbosa 22-25 us. Man Cleveland were playing dirty!!! Man this game has me pissed! Gosh dang it 36-33 them are you kidding me we gotta keep fighting! These refs officially suck ass they don't call crap but that's okay bc Klay just threw a three down in The 2nd quarter with 8:14 to go thats how we do. Klay was in fire the 2nd quarter dang! He was tearing that 3 point line up! Third quarter got me on the edge of my seat. We've worked to hard to not end it tonight! We'll see ya in game six... We just gotta play harder.

I'm # teamklay

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