Daire was absorbed in the conversation between Jackass and Sheriff Stilinski listening to every word trying to figure out what Jackson knew. At least until what Jackass said left her dumbfounded and shell shocked.

Scott reacted the same way, "Holy..."

Stiles looked up from a magazine looking at his two friends, "Guys not all of us have werewolf hearing. What the hell is going on in there?"

Daire swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, "Jackass said that Isaac's dad used to hit him," she muttered, looking at her hands. "He- he said that he could hear screaming all the way from his house."

Daire couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. Mr. Lahey hit Isaac? Sure Daire never met the man but she did see him at the cemetery and it never occurred to her that he was abusive. She thought back to all the time she spent looking at Isaac and how she never thought anything was wrong, how she always thought his bruises were from lacrosse. The fact that they were from his dad made her sick.

The fact that she never noticed the boy she liked was hurting made her sick.

" Why didn't Jackson say anything?" Stiles asked.

Scott looked at him, "He said it wasn't his problem."

" I swear to god I'm going to beat up his ass," Stiles muttered angrily. "What did my dad say?"

Daire smirked slightly. " That the kids getting beat up are the ones that don't deserve it."

Man did she love Papa Stilinski.

The door to the office suddenly opened and the Sheriff and one of his deputies walked out. Stiles looked around quickly, before grabbing a magazine of the table. He spazed around before slouching down and covering his face with the Girls Life magazine. Daire bit back a grin while the Sheriff looked at his son with a sigh.

"Hey Scott," he said, shaking his head at Stiles. "Daire."

They nodded their heads in reply, muttering a hello. He took one last look at Stiles, shook his head again and walked away. As their retreating figures got smaller, Stiles pulled back the magazine, a relieved look on his face. He was acting as if his dad didn't just stand there and acknowledge his son and Daire couldn't help but laugh.

Though her laughing was cut short as someone stepped out of the office. "Boys. And Daire."

The three of them froze. Scott and Stiles didn't recognize the voice but Daire did.

It was Gerard Argent. And he was their new principle, ah hell.

"Come on in," he said, sending a sickly sweet smile in their direction. Daire couldn't help but feel disgusted. Her grandpa was trying to pull the good guy act, what was next Acknologia becoming the good guy?

Daire glanced at Scott and Stiles whose expressions seemed to hold the same mixture of surprise and fear. They got up slowly and followed Gerard into the office. The office door shut behind them and Daire let out a groan. This was not going to be fun.

"Have a seat," Gerard smiled at them, waving his arm at the three chairs placed in front of his desk. The three of them sat down.

"Okay, let's just get down to business, shall we?" he grinned, sitting back in his chair and plucking out three files from the desk. "Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished student. But it would seem you've become quite the star athlete?"

Scott only looked at the floor and Gerard nodded. His eyes flicked over to Stiles, as he pulled out the next file. " Mr. Stilinski. Perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Actually, I'm already-"

Gerard already plucked out the last file and his eyes landed on his granddaughter, " Daire Argent, good grades in everything but chemistry and just one extracurricular. Now why would my granddaughter have a C average in chemistry and a job as a 'lacrosse monkey'?"

Daire rolled her eyes, " Sorry I don't meet your expectations, Grandfucker"

Gerard was taken aback from Daire's new attitude, it was clear that he had expected something more along the lines of begging for forgiveness or obedience. Though he didn't let her attitude shake him for long.

" Hold on," Gerard said, holding up a hand and looking at Scott. "McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my other granddaughter."

Ah hell.

Scott's eyes widened. "W-We were dating. But not anymore! No dating! Not seeing any of each other! Not doing anything, with each other.... oh God," Scott said, realizing he just had a spat of verbal diarrhea.

"Relax Scott. You look like your about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth," Gerard chuckled.

"Just a-a hard break up," Scott lied, pulling on his sad puppy dog face. Daire scoffed, hard break up her ass.

Daire's grandfucker sent him a sympathetic look. "Aw that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Now listen guys. Yes, I am the principal but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

Really? After everything he put her through during her childhood he was gonna play the good guy card now?

"Is that so?" Stiles said sarcastically.

Gerard ignored him. "However, this being my first day I'm going to need to support my teachers. So unfortunately, at least one of you is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."

Automatically Daire pointed at Stiles, no way in hell is she going to sit through one of Harris's detentions again.

"Why are you all- aw seriously?"

And with that Daire avoided detention with the king of hell.

Guys I'm done with school!!! And posted a new chapter!!! YAYYY, I hope you all are enjoying your summer and this new chapter! Please vote and comment, I love getting feedback from you guys! Also I know I posted this in my little authors note but would you all be interested if I posted original fiction? Please comment what you think, I would love to know. Also are we all loving sassy confident Daire? I know I am and the next chapter will hopefully have more Daire x Isaac in it... I still need a ship name for them... comment your ideas! YOSH until next time my darlings 😘


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