Chapter 10

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Meredith, Cristina, and April sat in the cafeteria, eating their lunch. As the twisted sisters talked, April sat there thinking about what happened a few nights before. She hated that she kept it from him that long. She knew that it would blow up in her face if she didn't tell him. She was planning on telling him, but it felt too soon, she wasn't ready for what the result of telling him would entail.

As Meredith and Cristina talked, they spotted Jackson coming into the cafeteria. They noticed him looking over at their table.

"Hey Dr. Mc Pretty Eyes, we got a seat for you right here" Cristina teased. Mc Pretty Eyes was apparently the new interns' name for him.

At the mention of the name April turned around and found him standing there. He looked at her, with what felt like the most disgusted look.

"Jackson!" she called out to him

He quickly turned around and walked out. April sighed and turned back around in her chair. Meredith and Cristina looked at each other then back at April.

"What was that all about?" Meredith asked

"Nothing" April answered getting back to her lunch

"Nuh-uh, don't play that nothing card," Cristina said

"Yeah, we know something is up. You two have been acting really strange for the past few days" Meredith said

"Oh my god, you slept with him didn't you?" Cristina asked with a smirk

"Cristina!" Meredith warned seeing the look on April's face

"Looks like I won the bet" she grinned

"What bet?" April asked

"There was this bet going around the hospital, where people guessed how long it would be before you guys hook up," Cristina said, "and looks like I won!"

"Hate to burst your bubble Yang but I didn't sleep with him!" April said

"Awww man" Cristina whined

"So what's really going on?" Meredith asked

"Stuff, that's what's going on" April answered


Jackson sat in the conference room, having his lunch. It was the only place he could be without bumping into April, other than the men's bathroom.

As he sat there, thinking about that night, the door to the room opened up.

"Oh, here he is," Alex said walking in, with Mama Avery right behind him "Looking all bummed"

Jackson looked up from his lunch.

"Mom what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Boston by now?" Jackson asked his mother

"I just came to check up on you before I leave," she said

"Well I'm good, so you can go now," he said

"Dude we both know you're not good," Alex said

Catherine walked up to the desk and took a seat next to him.

"Have you talked to April?" she asked

"No" he answered

"Baby you should talk to her" Catherine encouraged

"I don't want to talk to her mom! She kept Lydia being mine a secret from me!" he said

"I know, and that's wrong, but for Lydia's sake, you need to talk to her. We don't know the reason for her not wanting you to know" she said

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