Chapter 13: My Gifts

Start from the beginning

The crowd was shreiking and I heard a few 'Zouis' chants as well. It actually made me laugh. Usually people would be offended at the fact that someone thinks you are gay as well as one of your bestfriends and they think or ship you together . But to me it is amusing. I just wonder what reason they have to still think me Louis or Liam are gay all three of us are MARRIED. We have beautiful life and Louis is going to be a father. 

Yup in 4 months Sir Louis Tomlinson wll be a father of a baby boy.

I guess he also heard the chants as he got his head up chuckling. He had a fake stern look on his face "Oh Shush! I am going to be a father!" he said waving his hand at them. Though they all knew he was joking around with the sternness on his face.

 With his arm still around my shoulder he spoke up " SO. This morning our wittle Zayn got a package all the way from Bradford." he said with a smirk on his face. Though that changed into a cheeky grin as he spoke up  again "From his wifey!" he said pinching my cheek from the hand around my shoulder making me squirm. "He got a letter and a little package and in that letter he wasn't allowed to open that package till he got his 'signal' now for that package." He turned to Harry who took out something from the pocket of his plaid shirt and threw it to Louis who held it in the air. I squinted to see it was the box Aisha sent.

 It was a baby blue box with light pink strips and a white ribbon tied to it. It was so light as if it was empty so I couldn't figure what it was. And she had the boys behind me all day long making sure I didn't open it. Though I have no idea what it is doing here. I left it on my bunk in the bus tucked safely in a pocket which held my laptop chargers and little important things. 

I was snapped out when Louis spoke again "And for that signal!" he said spinning around pointing to the screen behind us. I spun around to see a blank screen.

 Soon Aisha's face popped up. First she was trying to set up the camera then she was fiddling with her hair. I tried to figure her surroundings but it didn't seem similar to me. 

Finally she settled "So I am sure you are in middle of a concert so . Hey all those Directioners I hope you aren't annoyed but it was all those 4 guys meaning Harry,Liam.Niall and Sir Louis who were adamant on playing this during the show so blame them. You already throw lots of stuff at them but this time if you wanna I suggest rotten tomatoes. Anyway SO I guess one of them have mentioned what this is about. But first of all Zayn. I know you will be wondering but I am not in London. I am in Bradford and at the moment in my old workplace. I am having a collaboration with Madame' Tiffany and we are having a joint line so I had to be here. But not till next month. What secret is laying in that box has been revealed to your family as well as mine already but don't worry the boys don't now it but guys your girls lied to you they know it.SO if they swore on one of you then you should know you are going to die. Anyway your family insisted on my early arrival. So before I reveal more I am going to let you open that box and come back in a few. " she said smiling and standing up before walking to the side though the view for the room was still there.

 Without wasting anymore time I snatched the box from Louis. Taking a deep breath I pulled the ribbon automatically untieing it. With a shaky and deep breath I lifted the cover to see an ultrasound image copy krept inside. The boys were huddled around me. Harry spoke up in a shaky voice merely a whisper "Is that?" all of them already had their microphones in their hands by their sides the crowd was quiet not knowing what was going on.

  Suddenly the fans shrieked followed by her voice. My head that was uptill now was stuck to the box now lifted back to the screen.

 She sat back down smoothing down her clothes " So I am sure by now Zayn and you four have seen the picture in their. And I am pretty sure you are familiar with what it is . It is an ultra sound. It is my Ultrasound. Zayn that little ban you see in that picture IS OUR baby. Now this was taken two weeks ago and I had an appointment today and I got a surprise which you are going to get now In that picture that little bean is actually hiding another little bean. We are actually having twins. Two little bundle of joys. Now both of our families are ecstatic about this. Also nothing with me or our baby they just know me and how I tend to overwork myself and now that I have two others with me they have to worry about three and to keep us three they want me infront of them and the only reason I am still working is that she is with me. " she said with a fake tight lipped smile.

With that Alexa popped up on the screen "HELLO PEOPLE! Hey abebabe" (abebabe?) she said. Now Harry's smile had grown so big that his eyes were hardly visible anymore. The crowd was shrieking about 10x times more now.

 Aisha sighed " Ummm.... Zayn I know most people wouldn't prefer to be told this with a million other people around them. But..... I just hope you are happy." she said her posture tense nervousness clear in her voice. Worry shining in her eyes. I don't know why she even thought that.She took a deep breath before putting on a fake smile on her face "I will talk to you tonight hopefully till then take care,have fun and remember I love you a lot!" she said before waving as the screen faded black.

 I am going to be a dad. I AM GOING TO BE A DAD. This is what I wanted to say-no scream to the world. I wanted to go somewhere and scream this and let the world know. But Aisha did that already.

 I brought the mike up to my mouth. "Uhhh. That was......shocking. I know that you are going to ask this and this time is so difficult for me becuase I knw that anything I say everyword every expression will be exagerrated like anything. But I am going to tell you I am happy. Very happy. That I am going to be a father of two. I am a bit nervous just like anyone who is going to be a dad it's normal to be nervous of what's to come. But I am happy and at this moment all I want to do is leave whatever I am doing and just go to my wife and my future kids. But obviously I can't so this next song 'Right Now' goes to my wife and my unborn kids." I said smiling out at the crowd. Soon the tune of the song started playing through the standium as I stood with the boys pushing my mike into the stand. 

To my wife and my KIDS. My Gif-no My Gifts.


(pic of Aisha's Outfit)

So I know this chapter was really like late but  I just wasn't feeling it. If you guys have read the message on my profile you will understand me when I say that something happened that has shook me up a bit and I am still not over it completely but today I just felt like writing this I was enjoying it. I felt like writing it and I did. Anyway so ZIGI is together afterall no shocker in that. Also Zayn bailed from Summertime ball. So for all those people who have been calling out on him for doing that. I know you payed to see him. But he is a human being and just like all of us his life has some problems. Anxiety is a big problem and for him to still be going on is something I salute him at. But you shouldn't act out like this try to understand his situation. Won't it be better if you were able to go to more shows of his then see that one make his anxiety worse and maybe never see him on stage. Just try to understand it from the other person's perspective and things will be better. For you and especially for them. Last of all I would like to say how sorry I am for the death of Christina Grimmie. She was like a really good singer and she just seems like such a good person she was about to hug her shooter. I am just shocked to what this world has become seeing what happened even at that bar. And to all those who say he is a muslim. I know you are not saying it as in he killed them because of his religion but. Violence is not taught in any religion. As well as Islam. You know we are taught that you are allowed to preach others . Teach them your religion if they are willing to learn but never force them. And as far as Jihad is concerned. It is allowed in two cases when your relgion is in danger  or that you are attacked on. Those terrorists don't understand anything so you people should understand that what they are doing is not jihad Allah will not accept it. That is simple terrorism and those people are or never to be Muslims. 


-Peace Out

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