Ch. 13

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I wake up the smell of burnt bread. As I open my eyes I see that I am in a familiar maroon room. I go to get up but head starts pounding like crazy and I groan.

"Stevie? Are you up?" Ally asks coming in with water and an Advil.

"Ally, why am I here?" I ask opening the water.

"Well, I went over to Cammie's and when I got there you where drunk so I took you here. Shannon said that If you came home drunk that you'll be grounded, so yeah." She says nervously scratching her head.

"Anything else happen?" I ask after swallowing the pill.


"Well what, Ally?" I ask getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay. I went there to tell you something. And I came with roses but you said that you would rather have me than the roses."

I blush at that, only because it was true.

"Sorry about that." I say. "Well what were you going to tell me?"

"Um, I'll tell you later. You must be hungry, do you want to go out? My treat." She says with pleading eyes.

"Um, sure. And what's that smell?" I ask walking out of the room.

"Oh, I was trying to make you some toast..." she says looking down.

"Really? You're the only person I know that can burn toast." I laugh. "But thank you for trying." And she smiles.

We walk out of the house buy stop when Ally says,

"Shit, um I just realized I don't have a car, and you left yours at Cammie's."

"Oh that's fine, isn't there a cafe just down the block?"

"Yeah there is, If you don't mind walking?" She asks as we start towards the cafe.

"No, not at all." I say smiling.

The walk there was short and silent. I understand she is just trying to be nice, but I don't know how much longer I could be with her. I wonder what she wanted to tell me?


I have to tell her sooner or later. There has been a weight on my shoulders since yesterday, I just want her to know that I care about her and I want her to be happy.

We reach the cafe and I open the door for her and she thanks me.

"What can I get for you ladies?" The barista asks.

Um two coffees and a breakfast sandwich please." I say as Stevie goes and sits down next to the window.

"Thank you." I say when she hands me my order.

I set the stuff down quickly because it's pretty hard to hold two coffees and a sandwich.

"Woah, calm down Ally." Stevie says when I come running over.

"Sorry, It wouldn't have been that great of a date if I dropped the food ha-ha." I laugh nervously after saying that it was a date. She didn't notice though.

"You didn't get anything to eat?" She asks taking a bit of her sandwich.

"No, not that hungry." I say swishing my coffee around.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Um, well I had some chips Thursday night while I was practicing my song, but my last meal was... Tuesday morning." I say ashamed.

"ALLY? Here let me buy you something." She says getting up.

She comes back with a sandwich as well.

"Thank you Stevie." I say smiling.
I grab a napkin and open it because they normally put a lot of mustard, but there wasn't any mustard. I look at Stevie confused.

"I remember when you told me you don't like a lot of stuff on your sandwich, so" she says taking a sip of her coffee.

"Thanks." I say looking at her.

"No problem." She says.

"No, not for the sandwich. Thank you for listening." I say smiling wide.

We soon leave the cafe and walk back to my house.

"So what were you going to tell me?" She says and I know I can't back away now.

"Stevie, I-I... Stevie, I love you. Please don't hate me. Stevie?" She says nothing and runs out of my house, leaving the door open.

I run to the door and see Stevie down the street. Hearing her sobs from my house, breaks my heart. I thought were working things out.


I check my phone and it's a text from Stevie.

I need to think about things.

Well okay...


"Dad?" I call out when I enter the house.

"In here honey." He responds.

"Dad, I have to talk to you."

"Okay, come sit." He pats the couch.

"Dad, I'm gay. I know I should have told you sooner but I was denying it. I was lying to everyone, expecially myself. But now I know, it just took someone to help me realize." I say almost in tears.

"Stevie, you are my daughter, nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. I love you." He says and opens his arms. I collapse into him as a burst of happiness flows through me.

"Now who is this girl that has stolen your heart?" He asks.

"Ally Hills. I need to go tell her. She thinks I hate her."

"Just prove how much you love her. Like I did with your mom."

I get into the white dress I wore on Monday and Cammie dropped of the roses that were left at her house.

My dad drives me there and we pull up to her house where she is sitting on the steps of her porch with her head in her hands.

I step out with rhe roses behind my back.

"Allison Hills." I say walking up and sitting next to her.

"Stevie?" She asks and sniffles her nose, she's been crying.

"Here." I say giving her the roses. She smiles wide and wipes her tears.

"Ally, I love you too." I say and that same feeling that I had when we first shook hands is coming back. Another weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"May I?" I ask holding her cheek. She smiles and nods.

As we are leaning in I take in every perfect feature to her face. From her mesmerizing green eyes to her prominent cheek bones. She really is gorgeous.

We close our eyes in unison and I finally feel her soft pink lips against mine. She smiles against my lips as we pull away. I'm finally happy.


Another late update 😪 I've had such a writers block lately. Really sorry! Two more chapters unless I think of anything else, but, ya!
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