Ch. 8

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"I don't want to hear you've got a boyfriend

Sometimes you're better off alone

But if you change you mind you know where I am

Yeah if you change you mind you know where to find me

But I don't ever want to meet your boyfriend,"

I slowly make my way out of the bathroom after drying my hands when I hear this angle of a voice echoing down the hallway.

As I walk down the hall searching for where the beautiful sound is coming from I notice the pictures on the wall. I see a little Ally with her mom and dad, and some girl I don't know. Was it her sister? I didn't know that she had a sister.

"Never did I think that I

Would be caught in the way you got me

Girls love girls and boys

Love is not a choice."

I sit against the door standing between me and Ally.

"Stevie?" I hear a shy voice creak through the cracks of the door.

I stand up and watch the door as it gently opens.

"Ally, your voice." I say astonished that this quiet little thing has voice like that.

"I didn't know you were listening..." she says embarrassed.

"You have a beautiful voice Ally."

"Thanks," she says smiling. "Um, do you wanna watch something on Netflix?" She asks motioning for me to come in her room.

"Yeah sure!" I say entering and taking in my surroundings.

Ally's room was a maroon color, she had guitars hanging up on the walls, along with movie posters and, woah, a shelf full of movies. This girl must like movies. I also notice her clothes all over the floor, which she notices as well.

"Oh, um, sorry for the mess..." she says starting to pick things up.

"No, it's fine." I say helping but stop after picking up mens pizza boxers. "Um Ally what are these?" I ask trying to contain my laughter.

She turns around and blushes a deep shade of red.

"Oh, um, uh, let me take those." She says swiping them away from me. I laugh loudly and say,

"It's okay Ally, I think they're cute." As my laugh fades away.

She smiles her beautiful smile and we continue to clean.

We both sit on the edge of her bed as she turns on Netflix then faces me,

"What do you wanna watch?"

I think for a second and decide on OITNB.

~Four episodes later~

Some how we wound up laying down, only inches from each other.

"Wanna watch another one Ally?" I ask as the current episode ends. No response.

I look to my left and see Ally sleeping peacefully. She is so beautiful and has no idea.

She start to stir so I close my eyes to make it look like we had both fallen asleep. Plus I didn't want her to know that I had been studying her perfect features.

As my world goes black I hear Ally's groggy, whispering voice in my ear,

"God, why did I have to fall for you? If only you felt the same way." She says, voice cracking, I start to 'stir' and she looks away.

"Oh, did i fall asleep?" I ask.

"Yeah, I did too, I just woke up a second ago." She says.

"What time is it?" I ask fake stretching, still trying to comprehend what I just heard. She was falling for me? Of course I feel the same way, but, I can't.

"It's only three. Do you wanna get something to eat?"

"Sure! But first lets check your ribs." I say getting up walking over to Ally on the right side of the bed.

I lift her shirt up and see that it's not as swollen but still a dark purple. I can't believe someone would do this to Ally.

I pull it back down and she is just staring at the ceiling with one hand behind her head.

"You okay Ally?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking." She says sitting up.

~Ally's thoughts~

About you

~End thoughts~

"How about we order a pizza?" I suggested. She smiles,

"Yeah, sounds good, I'm going to take a shower In the mean time, I smell like coffee." She says and I laugh as I order the pizza.

I was sitting on the couch looking through tumblr when I hear Ally's voice again. I go closer and recognise the song she is singing, The way I am by Ingrid Michelson. Ally sings along and I join, she doesn't hear me though.

I hear the shower stop and I run back over to the couch. She calls me into her room.

"Stevie?" She is wrapped in her towel. "Do you wanna borrow some clothes to wear, since you're staying the night?"

"Yeah sure thanks." She hands me a loose white tee and some black shorts.

I leave the bathroom dressed more casually and I see Ally in a black low-cut tank top and her boxers.

After a while the door bell rings and Ally gets up to pay for it.

"Hey babe watcha doing tonight?" The pizza guy says smirking. Fucking pig.

"Oh, I, umm..."Ally stutters uncomfortably.

"No reason to be uncomfortable baby." He says getting closer, Ally just stands there with the pizza in her hands.

I get up, feeling insanely jealous, and stand by Ally.

"Oh hey, you girls up for a three some?" He says reaching in to touch my waist. I slap him and shut the door in his face.

Ally and I turn to each other and we burst out laughing.

So we sit and eat the pizza watching more Netflix until we fall asleep.

I wake up and look at my phone seeing as it's still a little dark outside, it's only 5 in the morning. I have to leave.

What was I thinking? Now Ally thinks that we are friends and I can't be seen with her at school.

I get up and look down at Ally sleeping peacfully and think about what she said yesterday,

"Who would ever talk to me,
Who would ever look at me,
Who would ever love me?"

And with that as my last thought, I change into my dress and leave.


Sorry for the late update 😳
But I hope you are enjoying the story so far ☺

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