Chapter 2

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I couldn't decide whether to be happy or not about all three of them being in my next class, which happened to be a double period of history and English.

We had a sub today, who left us to our own devices, which Calum, Michael, and Ashton quickly took advantage of, sneaking out into the deserted hallway.

"I love it when this happens." Michael groan, sprawling himself out in the secluded niche we'd found to spend the rest of the day in, long legs going everywhere.

I sink down next to him, hugging my knees to my chest. "Does this happen a lot?"

Calum answers, laying down on the floor across from Michael and I, Ashton remaining standing and leaning against the wall.

"Oh yeah. Old man Trecker is gone all the time and they always give us the same sub who doesn't do much of anything."

I smile. "Lovely."

Michael, who's eyes have been closed, opens them slowly and stares at me. His eyes are actually prettier than any guy had a right to.

"So, Andy Clementine, why are you here in Syndey, Australia instead of the US?"

I roll my eyes. I really shouldn't open up to these boys. I've known them for an hour, but I can't help the words that come out of my mouth.

"I didn't move from the US. It was actually Ireland this time, the UK before that, Mexico before that, South Africa before that, Italy befo-"

Ashton cuts me off, gorgeous eyes wide. What was with this band and having perfect eyes?

"Why the hell do you move around so much? And you have an American accent." He looks confused. I don't blame him. I'm still a bit confused myself.

I shrug. "Born in the US, been moving around since I was 6. My dad is the head of International Affairs for some big company and I go where he goes."

They're all looking at me like I'm insane.

"That would suck. Is it just you and your dad?" Calum looks curious. Too curious.

Brushing it off, I turn to Michael. "What about you guys? Tell me about your life, about the band."

That distracts them, as I hoped it would, and they're off on a tangent about their first gig as a band and telling me everything there is to know about living in Australia. They're not shy- they say it how it is and don't sugarcoat, telling me every little detail and embarrassing moment.

And I love it. I've never really had that many friends, moving around so often, but for some reason, after almost 2 hours with these idiots, I feel closer to them than I have with anyone else in all my moves.

They're funny- I'm laughing to hard I'm afraid we're going to get caught, but they don't look concerned, bantering on as they usually do.

Such bromances.

Before I even realize it, the whole double period is over and the bell is ringing, letting us know the day is over.

They're on their feet already, and I quickly follow.

Michael throws his arm over my shoulder, which is awkward, considering the height difference. I'm only 5'3, something I never hear the end of. I quickly shrug it off, and his laugh rings out. I'm coming to realize I love his laugh.

"How're you getting home, Andy?" Ashton asks.

"Walking. I didn't feel like driving today." He smiles.

"Me neither. Where do you live?"

"Big house, top of the hill on Wesley Court. What about you guys?"

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