Chapter 2

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One morning while everyone was still asleep, Marie snuck out of the house and into the yard.

She found a sledge hammer in a pile of tools by the shed and dragged it over to a car.

It was an old rusted '66 mustang that Dean could probably fix up in a week but she didn't care. The adrenaline rushing through her gave her fragile body the strength to swing the sledge hammer into the hood of the car.

She repeated this process to dozens of cars, swinging and swinging and swinging her aching arms.

Suddenly she felt two strong arms grip her and she dropped the sledge hammer. She knew it was Dean without even turning to look at him. He spun her around and held her at shoulders length to survey her, making sure there wasn't any damage done to her body.

Marie finally cracked.

She began bawling hysterically and gripped Dean's shirt for support.

He pulled her into him, kissed her forehead, and wrapped his arms around her. They stood like that for what must have been hours until Marie was exhausted from crying.

"Dean I don't want to go back." Marie said in a broken whisper.

Dean was taken back by her finally speaking and held her even tighter.

"I know baby, I know." Dean helped her back into the house and sat her at the kitchen table.

Bobby was awake making breakfast and Sam sat at the other end of the table. Both were shocked to see Marie in the kitchen and not on the couch or in her room but didn't say anything. Bobby set a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of her.

"How are ya feelin sweat pea?" It was a question he had asked every single day since Marie showed up at his house even though she never replied.

Marie was like a daughter to him and he didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Fine." She finally replied. She hadn't talked in so long her voice cracked.

Bobby dropped his glass of orange juice and it shattered on the floor. Sam was speechless. Bobby quickly swept up the shards of glass from the cup.

Marie finally ate a whole plate of food for the first time since she returned. When everyone was done with breakfast, Sam and Dean headed to the living room leaving Marie and Bobby alone in the kitchen. Marie looked at Bobby from across the table with her round glassy green eyes and smiled. She actually smiled.

"I missed you Bobby." She spoke barely above a whisper.

"I missed you too pumpkin." He gave her a huge grin which was very rare for Bobby Singer.

They stood from the table and Bobby gave her a much needed hug. He stayed behind in the kitchen to clean up while Marie went to see her brothers. She plopped herself in the middle of Sam and Dean on the couch. Dean gripped her left hand and Marie leaned on Sam's shoulder.

"Please don't take me back." She begged. Dean squeezed her hand.

"You're not going anywhere." Sam promised.

When Dean released Marie's hand, he noticed blood on his. He quickly picked up both Marie's hands and saw blood all around her nails.

"Oh no." He had a terrible look on his face. She pulled her hands out of his grasp.

"I'm sorry I don't even realize I'm doing it." He lifted the sleeve of her left arm to reveal a bloody patch of skin Marie had been scratching non stop out of anxiety. Dean pulled her face close to examine her bloody lips she was constantly biting.

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