Chapter 5

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How long could dinner go on for, really? Not that long I hope. I don't know how much longer I can sit through this and pretend that nothing's wrong. We spent like an hour just eating salad. Salad! I don't even want to think about how long it's gonna take for us to get through the rest of the entree and not to mention dessert. Want to know the worst part? I'll tell you anyway. It's the fact that I have to make sure that no one sees my mark. Not that hard, right? Wrong. My sleeve keeps on riding up, causing me to have to yank it down every two minutes causing everyone to give me strange looks. Especially Ryder.

My mom turns to me with a disapproving look on her face. "Avery, stop fidgeting with your clothes."

"Sorry Mom," I say glumly. What happened to "mothers intuition"? I wish she would just realize something is wrong. Because seriously mom, why would I have been fidgeting for the last hour? Hmm, let's figure this out together; maybe I just like annoying people like that. No wait! What would she most likely think? Oh yeah, I was just trying to embarrass her in front of the alpha and his whole family. Right, 'cause that makes perfect sense! Note the sarcasm.

"So Avery, how's school going?" Mrs. Bennett asked me. Ah great, the attention's on me now. Better get this over with and hopefully move on to a new subject.

"Oh, you know. It's going really well. Not that much drama lately." Well, none that she needs to know about at least.

"Yes and her grades are wonderful. She's still an A student," my dad cut in with pride. I hate when they talk about this; it's so embarrassing. Just because I'm good in school doesn't mean I want everyone to know about it. It's not good for my image.

"I'm sure Mrs. Alexander. She's always been a wonderful student aside from a few... mishaps. I expect nothing less knowing her." I'm sure my mother enjoys knowing that the Alpha thinks highly of me. Sometimes I think she stays up half the night worrying about the Alpha's opinions of us. She always struck me as a little self-concious. 

"Excuse me for interrupting, but what kind of mishaps are you talking about? You know if you don't mind me asking." There's a smug smile on Ryder's face the whole time he's asking this and it's directed on me. Please don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say-

"It's a funny story actually son," a small smile gracing the alpha's face. "I learned very quickly a few years ago that little Ms. Avery over here had quite the temper. At first I thought she might've just been a teenage girl who was all talk, but I was definitely wrong. She has the strength and the power to back it all up. I'd hate to be the guy to do her wrong. She'd probably send me to the hospital with a couple broken bones and in a coma." Everone burst out laughing at this including me. I mean really, me beat up the alpha?

"C'mon, she can't be that bad can she?" Of course Ryder is doubting my skillage. 

Russell is the one who speaks this time. "Dude, I woudn't underestimate her. A couple years ago, she beat up Owen so bad he was in the hospital for two months. I'm pretty sure he almost died. Now, he doesn't even go near her." I flinch at the memory and I think Hunter noticed. Before anyone can say anything else, he cuts in.

"Yeah, my baby sis is awsome. I feel sorry for her mate when she gets mad at him. You know, unless he did something to her. Then I'm all for it." It's weird because he said this with a certain edge in his voice. Almost like it's not just some casual, light-hearted conversation to him.

Mrs. Bennett adds on to what he says. "Yes, very true. But it could also be a positive thing for her mate. She can defend herself against certain... dangers." I'm not sure I like where this is going.

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