Chapter 3

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Okay... Before I get started, I'd like to say thank you for continuing to read this story. And thank you to naturalbeauty12345 for hepling me out and giving me some inspiration to write.

Hopefully this is longer than the last chapter.

For now... Enjoy this chapter.  Vote and comment. (I LOVE reading all of your comments and opinions :D)




Sometimes I just wonder... Why the hell does there have to be so many different kinds of sauces?! Of the tomato variety to be exact- you know, if anyone cares. Not that anyone would, but hey- I don't know everyone's business. Maybe some people like to know those kinds of things. I'm not here to judge.

I am currently standing in the canned food aisle with my hair looking like a bird's home, thank god there's no wildlife in the supermarket, although that would be really cool... But that's not the point. What is the point is that I still can't find the type of sauce my mom wants. If you ask me she's just way too specific about things. 

Looking at the fully stocked shelf, you'd never realize how many things they DON'T have. But sadly, I have realized because I've been standing here for the last 20 minutes and I am not exaggerating. Do you know what I could've done in those minutes? A lot, that's what. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and I'd do anything for her, but this is valuable time in my life that I'd rather not waste looking at tomato products.

Aha! I found it. Finally. If you were watching me, you'd see me doing a very funny, very embarrassing happy dance. Let me tell you, I'm busting out ALL the moves. Now after minutes of my amazing gyrating, I turn around to leave this god forsaken aisle and go pay. But of course, it can't be that simple because standing before me is the oh so wonderful Ryder. Sarcasm greatly intended. Seriously, he's just leaning against the aisle like he owns the place. Well, he's future alpha, insert shudder here, but still. He was always the "cool" guy with a devil may care attitude. You know something's wrong with someone if they're like that when they're nine years old.

"What do you want?" I just want to get this little "conversation" over with and go home.

"Awesome moves you got there," he says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Don't you have somebody else to bother."

"No, not really. You're enough entertainment for me," he says waggling his eyebrows... In a suggestive manner might I add.

"Okay. One, eww and two, I'm busy so maybe you should entertain yourself."

"Aw, come on Avery. We haven't seen each other in nine years and this is how you treat me? I'm hurt." He puts his hands over his heart and looks up at the ceiling with a mock pained look.

"How clichè of you."

"It may be clichè, but that doesn't mean it's not true." Oh, how much I'd give to wipe that smirk off his face. By punching him of course. Ah, I feel an evil plan brewing. Maybe I should kick him where the sun don't shine and then steal his shoes! But he'd have to be unconscious for me to do that. Hmm...

"Did you ever learn that staring is rude?"

"Yes I did. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do and places to be. I'd say it was nice seeing you again, but then I'd be lying and that is definitely a lesson I've learned."

I don't wait to here his reply because I turn on my heels and start to walk away.

Then him being him, he grabs my arm and pulls me back. What he doesn't anticipate is me twisting his arm back and shoving him to the ground. See, he's not smirking now. Mission accomplished.

With a smirk of my own, I walk away.

Tonight will certainly be an adventure.

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