Authors note

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I know we all hate these but please bare with me. The last chapter is coming and a sequel will follow but I want you opinion on another story I have started to write. It's called Golden Knights and the story is as follows.

In a world were damsels in distress and Knights to save them are all a myth and folklore a young girl loves the story of the Great Sorroe who trained many Knights but only 13 were loyal. But that was many years ago, back before her brother was taken for the Mennor Army, back before her mother fell ill with sadness, back before The Sorcerer Mennor took their kingdom with black magic. The Knights under Sorroe were just fairytales that her mother told her, when her mother wasn't ill; then one day the fairytale walked out and saved her life. Now she is thrown into a world she only dreamed about.
Sorcerers, sorceress', wolves, dragons, and Knights will make for one exciting adventure.

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