Epilogue: Afire Love/Like It Here

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Third person POV

The rain hit the pavement melodically, striking the ground with a sad, melancholic air that perfectly expressed the anger and frustration of the small funeral party marching through the graveyard.

It had been two years since Kurt and Blaine had graduated Dalton academy, leaving the Warblers behind with their uniforms as they fled to live in New York together. Kurt had been steadily recovering over the year until he lost his job at Vogue and everything had come crashing down. Things had been getting bad again for Kurt and one fateful night in Ohio brought everything crashing down.

An ebony casket sat on the shoulders of six mournful souls, the friends of the departed who were able to hold themselves together long enough to carry the poor boy one last time. Sebastian Smythe; barely managing to maintain his cool composure. David Thompson; eyes brimming with tears though he knew he had to do this for his friend. William Schuester; biting his lip against the rush of bitterness at losing a beloved student. Sam Evans; allowing his tears to freely drip from his cheeks. Mike Chang; the talented dancer evaded the eye contact of those around as he pulled up the rear left of the coffin. Finally, Noah Puckerman; his tough exterior cracked as the company arrived at the grave, the final resting place.

These were not all necessarily the most important people in his life but they had certainly meant a great deal to each other and those who had shaped him fully were unable to compose themselves enough to carry the casket.

Behind them came the train of people, the family of the poor soul and their close friends.

The Hudson-Hummels led the little group, Burt and Carole's hands locked together as they held onto each other for dear life as if in fear of losing their significant other as well. Carole's free arm was fixed tightly around the waist of her remaining son as Burt remained eerily silent.

After the family came the friends.

The first huddle, walking in silence, contained Artie being pushed in his wheelchair by Quinn as Santana and Brittany walked hand-in-hand beside them. Rachel, eyes glistening as she clung to the arms of Emma Pillsbury and Mercedes Jones, came soon after. Tina walked beside Mercedes, wrapping her arms around her upper body for support as she grieved the loss of the young boy.

Behind this group came the ex-Warblers. Nick and Jeff, clutching onto each other for dear life bit back loud sobs as they followed the procession, their eyes sparkling under their dark umbrella.

Beside them stood a boy, looking completely out of place. He knew very little of the deceased, having met him maybe once, but he'd come for his boyfriend. Nathaniel walked alone, his collar turned up against the cold with his pale hands tucked into his pockets. Sebastian had left him to carry the coffin and although he was fine with it, he rather obviously felt out of place on his own.

Behind them was Wesley, his arm wrapped around a tall girl with dark skin and wide eyes by the name of Evie. She allowed Wes to lean against her for support as he attempted to hide his tear-stained cheeks from her out of pride. A second girl walked on his other side, this one fair-skinned and petite. Clara was a girl David had met that summer, at his parents' manor in England. She was beautiful with sweet eyes and her brown hair curled so that it brushed the tops of her collarbones.

Finally, pulling up the rear of the group, walked a lonesome Blaine Anderson.

His patent shoes practically dragged across the floor as held his umbrella aloft half-heartedly. Wanting nothing more than to be able to return to his apartment in New York and have this god-forsaken ceremony over with, he stared at the ground as he walked, wishing it would swallow him whole. He'd miss the boy for the rest of his life, just as the others would; he'd always supported him and told him to go for it, even if he hadn't exactly trusted him at first.

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