I Think It's Time To Say Goodbye Pt. I

Start from the beginning

Simon looked down at his desk. I walked to one of the arm chairs and sat down in it.

"Well we have a lot of paperwork to sign. Do the boys know?" Simon said quietly.


"Well then call them and tell them to come down." Simon instructed, "Who does know?"

"Only Perrie and my family."

"Okay...well then let's get to work." Simon sighed.

Third Person POV

Perrie somehow knew what Zayn was going out for. He had been irritable whenever they were together which wasn't always often because the girls had been in the studio working and the boys were as well.

When Zayn shouted at Perrie she was shocked. Zayn was always cool and collected, not one to take his emotion out on people. Especially her. So when he did that Perrie knew, it was time.

She wanted to tell the boys but, figured it would be best if he explained that to them.

She and Zayn have not been in a good place with their relationship for a while know and Perrie wasn't sure how long they would last know. They were hanging on by a thread and Perrie was almost certain that this news along with the stress it would bring would cause the thread to break. She loved Zayn and she probably always will, but that strong flame they had for each other before was burning out and Perrie was prepared for when their relationship will be no more. That didn't stop the tears though. So she called the only people she knew to call.

Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne.

She created a group chat and texted,

SOS, at my place

Within seconds Jesy texted back,

Were otw

When they arrived Perrie was sitting on the couch her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. She looked up when she heard her front door open and her three rocks came rushing in the door.

"Perrie what happened?" Jade asked.

That's all it took for Perrie to begin sobbing. They rushed to her side and cuddled her. Not saying anything just holding her and rocking her, letting her get all of her emotions out. Right now the only thing that was important to them was making Perrie's tears stop falling and to push away the clouds so their ray of sunshine could shine through.

Niall's POV

"Hello." I answered my phone. It was Zayn.

"You and the boys need to get down to Syco now." he said then hung up. That was strange.

"Okay." I muttered to myself.

I was currently hanging out at Louis' flat. The other boys weren't with is so, I figured I'd just text them the news.

Need to get down to Syco ASAP

"Zayn said we need to get down to Syco. Don't know what it's about but..." I informed Louis.

"I know that, you just texted me that arseface," Louis said rolling his eyes.

"Well know you now, so let's get going whore bag." I stated.

He started chuckling but, got up and grabbed his keys. I grabbed mine and we were out the door.


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