Author's Note: Thank You for 1.5K Views!

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Another milestone reached. So, have another special yeah~? Thanks for the dedication everyone! We'll be having an interview along with something extra...~


Souji: "Wow, nice. 1.5K views, that's great! Though... is it pressuring for you to update regularly, MinatoSeta?

MinatoSeta: "Have to admit, sometimes. I write in random bursts. Doesn't help that school is overwhelming."

Souji: "Ah, I see... Speaking of which, Minato you doing okay?"

Minato: "Yes." 

Souji: "....."

MinatoSeta: "Have I missed something?"

Minato & Souji: "Nope."

MinatoSeta: "Are you sure? I mean, you two seem more... loving and uh... communicating via body language?"

Minato & Souji: "Nope." 

MinatoSeta: "That's very suspicious."

Souji: "You're overthinking this."


MinatoSeta: "You know what? You two are jerks. That is all. Moving on! First question is from @robocup300! What do you think of Tanaka? You know, the guy who sells stuff on t.v for outrageous prices."

Souji: "Tanaka? Oh that businessman! He sells some interesting things in my opinion. Got to admit I bought some stuff, like... What was it... some fish...? That catchy tune at the beginning of the show is catchy too! He seems cool." 

Minato: "...Oh god. Not him."

Souji: "Hm? It sounds like you know him." 

Minato: "I do. He's a con-artist and just shady in general. Don't trust him."

Souji: "You really have a bad opinion of him huh?" 

Minato: "I'm going to say this. He donated to orphans, but only so he can take money from them later on by saying he was the one to change their life."

MinatoSeta & Souji: "Wow..." 

Minato: "Exactly."

Souji: "%#$%. I take back what I said. He's evil!"

MinatoSeta: "D-did you just swear?!" 

Souji: "Sorry, I'm feeling really tired today." 

MinatoSeta: "There are kids listening!" 

Souji: "Whoops... Well, censor it?" 

Minato: "Too late for that..."

MinatoSeta: "Guys, no more swearing. This is a clean interviewing show. 'Kay?"

Souji & Minato: "No worries." 


MinatoSeta: "Oh! There's Yosuke! Hey, Yosuke!" 

Yosuke: "Yo! Sorry that I'm late! What's up everyone?"

Souji: "Having an interview for a 1.5K view special."

Yosuke: "Really?! Well, there any questions for me?"

MinatoSeta: "Indeed! This question is from one of my friends. Yosuke, what do you think of the relationship between Souji and Minato? Back out of the room Wildcards."

Yosuke: "I have to admit the relationship between Minato and him kind of... disturb me. Then again, maybe it's because I haven't ever thought about love between two guys before. Or two girls even. Still, I wish them the best of luck. In other words, I really wish they would stop dancing around each other."

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