Chapter Ten: Close Call

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Note: Apologize for not updating in a long time. But here it is! Wondering who he had a crush on before? I can't really give out any details but... Uh... You will see~ Now that I am looking back, dang does Minato have quite a few love interests (Mitsuru, mystery guy, kind of Souji, and a couple more he had an interest in). Ahem, I swear there will be no love triangles (because I don't want the poor soul to suffer anymore).

Souji's Point of View

"Minato? What are we going to do...?" the other bit his lip in response. It seemed like he didn't know what to do.

He sighed in defeat, "I really don't know... I'm stuck as well." the other shook his head and crashed on his couch.

"If you don't know then..." mumbled Souji as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

Minato shook his head, "No, there has to be some way to get to her. Like that charm for Yosuke... Perhaps Chie has something like that too?"

"A charm? But that Miracle system sent me that charm. What are we suppose to do? Wait?"

The blue haired boy rested his head against the arm rest. He seemed deep in thought and didn't turn to face Souji. Instead, he opted to stare at the ceiling, eyes devoid of any emotion. It was something that Souji hasn't seen from the boy before. The abyss of blue was much more deep now.

His companion visibly tensed, "I don't have all the answers... However, I think Yukiko can help us."

"She isn't going to believe us." Souji replied with a frown. Minato pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"Chie has already disappeared judging from the message. If those two are really as close as I think they are, Yukiko will know. Or at least, I have a feeling she will. Trust my instincts." he stated.

Souji nodded, "Fair enough."

The boy bitterly smiled with a hint of smugness, "I see that you have a lack of confidence in me. Can't say that I blame you."

It was obvious that he was trying to get a reaction out of the teen. He decided not to grace him with a reply as he ran through some things to say once they did meet up with Yukiko.

The sky was a combination of dark red hues and purple. Odd, considering that he was so used to the neon lights of the city. Since Yukiko claimed that she was currently working at the inn, so the Wildcards decided to take a walk through the city. Seeing a sunset so clearly like this was something that Souji appreciated. Minato looked at the sky in awe as if he hasn't seen a spectacle like this either. Then again, he was from the city. Even with the boy's confident air around him, there was one thing that was unnerving him, Minato was deathly silent.

Not one word was exchanged once they left the house, but Souji felt it would be too awkward to start a conversation. The hot wind from earlier was back; though this time it didn't feel like fire slapping his skin. Instead, it felt much more pleasant. One that reminded him of what was to come.

Surprisingly, Minato softly chuckled. Souji raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Heh, sorry. I was just reminiscing."

"Want to share?" Souji asked.

"Mm... It's about my past life. Nothing too interesting."

The teen smiled, "Oh, really? I for one am curious regardless."

Minato sighed, "...I had a girlfriend."

It was totally not interesting at all.

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