As I got inside I was invited with Garroth and Laurence having a intense argument.

"NO! Either is said, eye-therr!" Exclaimed Garroth.

"What?! It's eee-ther!" Remarked Laurence.

"No! Eye-ther!"

"Nu-huh mister! Eee-ther!" Sassed Laurence standing up.

"You wanna go?" Asked Garroth.

"Is that even a question? YEAH!" Responded Laurence.

"Come on, neither of you are are correct. You can say both!" Yelled Dante to them.

"What did you say? Nye-ther? It's nee-ther!" Snapped Laurence.

"No he said it correctly!"

"No, he didn't. You are the two odd ones out that say that!"

"No! Maybe you are the odd one?"

"BE QUIET!" Yelled Dante.

They looked at Dante with the most frightened look. Oh man it was priceless!

"Travis is here, and this is how you greet him?" Snapped Dante.

"Oh!" Said Garroth while FINALLY looking at me.

He ran up to me full speed and jump-hugged me making me fall to the ground. Wow it's been to long since I have gotten one of 'Garroths deadly hug attacks' (Yes that's what Laurence calls them)

"I missed you soooooo much brother!" Exclaimed Garroth getting off me.

"Travis! Nice to see you again!" Smiled Laurence reaching out his hand so that I could get up.

"Yeah same!" I smiled while grabbing his hand.

"We decided that you can stay in the basement for the summer since we don't have anything there anyways." Said Laurence.

"What?! I get the whole basement to myself?!" I asked not believing what he just said.

"Yup! Your our guest after all" Replied Garroth.

"Cool! I'll get my stuff!" I replied while running to the car and getting all my luggage.

This summer is going to a crazy one for sure.


"Ugh, I can't believe I have to go to summer school this year..." Complained Aphmau while licking her ice cream.

"Don't worry I have to go too" I replied while licking off some rainbow sprinkles that where on my ice cream.

"Ha ha, sucks for you. I don't have to go" Added Nicole while smirking.

I was angry yes, but it was around 1000 million degrees out side and I really didn't feel like arguing.

"Stop bragging Nicole. We will be smarter then you then!" Snapped Aphmau while taking a huge bite out of her ice cream.

"Well I am already smart enough. Besides I will be in Paris for the summer so ha ha to you!" She replied while fanning her self.

"Actually ha ha to you because you have to speak French the whole time your there. So it's like a looong French class and I know just how much you love those!" I teased while licking off another sprinkle.

"Humf better then school!" Nicole pouted while looking away.

"Did you hear? The matchmaker is going to summer school" Aphmau informed while biting the waffle part on her ice cream which was covered with chocolate and ice cream.

HeartBreaker Vs HeartHealer {Travlyn FF} COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz