Chapter 18: Competition Beginning

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Hey, a little heads up! (S/N) stands for Ship Name. As in, your Ship Name with Natsu..! So, I'd think of one now just to be prepared ;)

~Time Skip a few Months~

~Natsu's POV~

Now that (Y/n) has her memories back, everything's gone back to normal. Well, for the most part anyway.

(Y/n) seems to be happy enough, and the Guild is just as destructive as ever. But the "vibe" is still odd... I don't know how to put it...

Eh, it's too hard to explain, my brain is fried. Especially after the team's last mission. So many monsters showed up, more than we were payed for. It was a lot of work but nobody was injured.

I saw (Y/n) laying on the floor with Levy going through many History Textbooks. I walked over there and saw that they were trying to decipher an An Ancient Code.

I couldn't understand a single word they were saying. I chuckled to myself and walked over to the bar where Mira was washing and drying used glasses and mugs.

"Hey Natsu! You want anything?" She asked, smile on her face.

"Anything new?" I asked, gazing up at the menu board.

"Well, we now have Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate Milkshakes!" She replied.

"I'll take a Chocolate Milkshake then!" With that said, she left farther behind the counter and make my beverage.

Once she was finished, she walked back and slid it down the counter. I caught the glass with my left hand and took a sip.

And as always, it was amazing..! I sat there for about 5 minutes, chatting with Mira and finished my Ice Cream-Like drink.

"Sooo, what's going on between you and (Y/n)?" She asked with an evil grin.

My face instantly flushed a bright red. "Wh-What are you talking about?! We're just friends!" I stuttered. But we both knew I wished for it to be more than that...

"You want it to be more than that, don't you?" She asked, mimicking my thoughts.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." I sighed with a nod of my head.

She just squealed like an overly excited fangirl. She then started hopping around the bar. "(S/N)! (S/N)! (S/N) is my new OTP!!"

My face flushed again. "Mira!"

"Hehe, sorry..! (S/n) is still going to happen!" She gave me a wink and then went back to doing her own thing.

I walked over to the Request Board. "Looks like there's no new jobs..." I thought aloud. As I kept scanning the board, a familiar voice boomed over the Guild Hall.

I looked over too see Mira holding a Microphone and standing on stage. "Alright! I just had a talk with The Master! We're holding a singing competition here at the Guild! But not just any singing competition, a Love Song competition!"

Almost everyone in the Guild swooned over the idea. Whispers filled the Guild Hall, but then everyone quieted as Mira spoke again.

"Two people must get together and sing a Love Song Duet! Or, one person- Male or Female- must sing a Love Song to a certain other..!" She giggled. And I swear she looked at me.

She explained everything else about the competition. And everyone started scrambling around the Guild, asking others to sing with them or coming up songs to sing.

I, of course, didn't really think about the situation to much. But of course Lucy comes along and ruins the moment with a joke.

"Hey Natsu, why don't you go ask (Y/n) to sing with you?" She grinned.

"And why do you think I'd do that?" I replied.

"Because! You two belong together! It must happen!" She pressed. I gave her the "are you kidding me?" look. She only sighed.

"Fine, if you won't ask her, I will ask her for you!" Then she started to walk off.

But I grabbed onto her leg as she dragged me across the floor. Me begging her not to ask. But then she stopped once I saw the familiar (h/c) girl.

"What's wrong Natsu? Is Lucy refusing to sing with you?" (Y/n) teased.

I stood up, face turning red as I dusted myself off. "N-No! She was just being a Meanie!"

"Oh yeah? Sense when is Lucy a "Meanie"?" She asked, laughter in her voice.

"When I told you I'd ask you to sing with Natsu because he was to afraid too," Lucy butted in laughing.

"Is that so?" (Y/n) grinned.

"M-Maybe," I Stuttered.

"In that case, I'd love too..!" She smiled.

Me eyes widened. "Really??" I couldn't help but smile.

"Yup! And I have the perfect song!"

~Your POV~

I grabbed the Pink/Salmon-Haired boy's hand and dragged him out of the Guild Hall. I ran up the hill of Magnolia Park and sat on the bench.

Natsu sat in the seat next to me. I started explaining to duet, hopefully well enough. Once I finished, he agreed to sing it.

Then we started practicing. And believe it or not, he actually had a pretty amazing voice..!

~Lucy's POV~

As I watched the two run off, I squealed with excitement. (S/N) phase one is happening!

I pulled out my Walkie Talkie. "Hey, Mira! I paired Natsu and (Y/n) together to sing!"

I waited a second for a reply. "Perfect! That was the whole purpose of the Competition after all..!"

"Yup! Now, we let their feelings unfold..!" I laughed with an evil tone in my voice.

I hung up the Walkie Talkie and returned it to the bar countertop. I looked over too see Juvia asking Gray to sing with her; and in another part of the room, Gajeel was awkwardly asking Levy.

I grinned with all of the romance happening. Sadly, I had no one to sing with, or sing to. Wait-- I got it! I'll surprise Loke (Leo) with a song for him!

I instantly thought of a song and agreed that was the one. I saw Erza now at the bar eating a slice of Strawberry Cake.

I walked over to her and sat down. "You gonna sing Erza?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, it's going to be amusing enough to see (Y/n) and Natsu singing together," she smirked as she put another bite into her mouth.

I smiled. "Yes, yes it will..!"

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