Chapter Two

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Alison gasped for air and screamed for all she was worth.

"Great job, Mama," the doctor said through her mask. "You did great."

Alison flopped back onto the pillow, feeling utterly drained and sweaty. She mustered up the energy to look at the doctor slide away from the tent covering the bottom half of her body.

The frown that had formed worriedly on Alison's forehead immediately vanished as the first sound of a cry was heard. She breathed a sigh of relief. She'd done it. She'd delivered a baby. Alison motherfucking DiLaurentis was a mother at nineteen.

"Is she ok?" Alison asked urgently.

Dr. Sam Marlowe didn't say anything as she did a routine check. "She looks to be perfect. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl, Alison."

Alison felt tears prick her eyes as Dr. Marlowe brought the wrapped up bundle towards her. She pushed herself up with great difficulty – she had just pushed a watermelon through a pea-sized hole, after all – and held out her arms in anticipation.

Dr. Marlowe gently placed Alison's daughter in her arms and stepped back, allowing that special first moment between mother and child.

"Hey, baby girl," Alison whispered, smoothing her thumb gently over her baby's forehead, which was pulled tight and punctuated with a high pitched wail. "You are so perfect. I'm going to make sure that you never get hurt and that you are always loved. I will love you forever."

The doctor smiled. This had been a rather unusual pregnancy for her, but there was always an exception to the rule and Alison definitely enjoyed being exceptional.

There was a knock on the door and a curious face poked in.

"We heard the crying. Can we see them?" Noel asked.

Dr. Marlowe looked at Alison, who nodded absentmindedly, her eyes devouring every inch of her daughter, who had ceased her wailing in favour of squeaky, shaky breaths. She opened the door for Noel, Spencer and Toby. Normally, friends would have to wait until the baby had been cleaned and the mother had been properly looked after, but Dr. Marlowe knew that this was Alison's family and she wasn't about to withstand the blonde's wrath, especially after having just given birth.

"Hey, Ali," Spencer said softly, standing next to her friend. "How are you?"

Alison looked at her three friends with tears slowly tracking down her face. "She's...perfect. She's amazing. How did I do this?"

"Because you're amazing," Noel said firmly, placing his hand comfortingly on Alison's arm. "She's an example of the person you are. She's you, Ali."

The new mother looked down at her baby again and choked back a sob. "But...w-w-w-what if-f-f-f-f-f I mess it up? I haven't had any kind of lasting relationship." Her eyes grew wide. "Ohmigod, I'm gonna totally mess her up! She's gonna become a total fuck up like me and make everyone unhappy and-"

"Ali, you're being ridiculous," Toby said, cutting her off and surprising everyone with the strength of his voice. "I've told you this before. You're awesome and now the whole world gets another piece of that awesome you have inside. I have no doubt in my mind that that little girl is going to have the most loving and doting mother any kid could ever want."

Alison's tears overflowed and streamed down her cheeks. Dr. Marlowe took that as her cue.

"Hey, guys, we need to get mom and baby cleaned up and moved so if you wouldn't mind giving us some time?"

"Oh, of course," Spencer said, ushering the two boys out. "Ali, we're going to be right here, ok? We're not going anywhere."

Alison nodded and sniffed loudly. The door closed and she shook her head. "God, I am such a mess. My baby's a few minutes old and already I'm breaking down."

Dr. Marlowe smiled. "Can I tell you a secret?"

Alison nodded and smiled.

The doctor leaned down and Alison met her expectantly. "If you didn't burst into tears and start doubting yourself, I'd worry." She pulled back and chuckled. "Seriously, Alison, don't worry about it. It's completely normal."

Alison just smiled and wiped her tears away hurriedly, running her fingertips lightly over her daughter's face again. Even covered in Alison's inner crap, she still was the most beautiful baby in the world.

So what if Alison was a little biased? Every mom is.

"Have you thought of a name?" Dr. Marlowe asked.

Alison smiled. "Estella. Estella DiLaurentis."


Emily's life revolved around two things: Alison DiLaurentis and dancing. Both of them had been a part of her life for pretty much the same amount of time and she couldn't have one without the other – she'd always feel incomplete. Which was why this decision was so hard for her to make. It was the opportunity of a lifetime, but could she do it without Alison?

Emily was sitting in the main studio that she taught in. It was long after everyone had gone home and Emily had stayed late to try and think things through without Alison as a distraction. Because that's exactly what Alison would be – Emily knew that she wouldn't be able to think about this problem if she went home all sweaty from dance and see Alison humming in the kitchen as she made them dinner. She'd walk into the kitchen and slip her arms around her tiny waist-

Wait! Damn it. See? Distraction.

Emily sighed. She should try and think about what Alison would say. She'd totally tell her to go for it right? That's why they'd decided to tough it out in New York – there were more opportunities for both of them in their respective fields. And this was a golden opportunity. Emily had to take it. She had to. Alison would agree.

Emily smiled in relief, having finally come to a decision. She picked up her phone and scrolled for a number.

"Hi, Rick? It's Emily Fields. Yeah, I know. Well, as it turns out, it took me less time than I thought to make my decision. So when do we leave on tour?"

AN: Hmmm. How will Ali react?

- Angelica

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