『Chapter Ten』

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"She's so happy." Your father said to Germany as they waited for you and Kiku to bring out dinner. "(Y/N) is-a always happy! Veeeee!" Italy said with his big smile. Your father and Ludwig both chuckled and just then you walked into the dining room with Kiku both holding trays and platters with traditional Japanese foods. You served the men and ate happily. "You're cooking has improved." Your father chuckled

You blushed from embarrassment. "Awe come on! I never got the chance to cook at home you were always at work, so I ate a lot of pizza or take out!" "I like-a pizza!" Italy said with a smile. "Ja ve know Italy." Ludwig chuckled. The rest of the evening was spent with a few beers, stories from when you were younger, military stories from your dad, and a few 'Italy and Germany' tails, mostly about the dumb stuff Italy does.

[Time Skip]

Your father had gone to bed in the guest bedroom and Kiku and Feliciano crashed in the living room for the night. "It's been a lively the past few days." Ludwig asked. You smiled. "Thank you, Ludwig." He gave you a soft kiss. "Anyzing for you, my liebe." And with that, you crawled into bed with him and quickly fell asleep. Ludwig watched you sleep for a while.'Somezing isn't right. I feel as if I'm being vatched!' He said to himself in his head.

[The Next Day]

It was the last day for your father to be here, and it was...it was saddening for you. You woke a bit earlier to prepare your father's favorite breakfast steak and eggs. As you cooked your childhood washed through your thoughts. All the time spent alone... Once your mother left it was just you and your father, the General. You sighed, most of the year was spent watching your father work, only two weeks in the summer when he took time off to go camping with is what you tried to only remember, hence, the reason why you liked the outdoors so much. He never came to school performances or walked you out for dances, heck, he didn't even know you had a boyfriend during your senior prom.

You let out a sigh and held back some tears, at least now you have Ludwig, right? You came back to reality when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned to face Feliciano. "What's-a the matter-a (Y/N)?" He said with a sleepy grin. You smiled "Still a little tired is all, sit down and I'll make you something to eat." He smiled happily and sat down, staying quiet which is unlike him.

Eventually, Kiku found his way into the kitchen, and then Ludwig giving you a good morning kiss and then lastly your father. "Sorry to keep you all waiting." Your father stretched. "It's not often I get to sleep in." He chuckled. "It's alright, take a seat I made steak and eggs." You turned around with a plate piled high with steak in one hand and another plate in the other piled high with eggs. His eyes widened, and you could have sworn that he was drooling, and he quickly took a seat next to Feliciano. You served everyone and watched as they ate their food and then seconds as you only picked at yours hardly even finish it in the end.

[Time Skip]

After some negotiation Ludwig let you drive your father to the airport by yourself. Halfway there you noticed something. "Have you noticed that that black car has been following us?" You asked your father. "Yes, I have. And it's been parked on your street all week, also....Have you noticed the burger wrappers?" Your eye widened at the thought. "Do you think?" "Yes, I believe it is him, and he knows now. The tricky part is, is he going to let it go or is he going to fight it?" Your dad said. You nodded and drove on.

[Mini-Time Skip]

"Flight 391 with American Airlines for LAX departs in one hour." A woman's voice said over the intercom. "That's my flight, I better get through customs and security quickly." Your father said turning towards you. You frowned. "Buck up kiddo! I'll be back to visit! I promise." He said to bring you into a tight hug. You hugged him and held back your tears. "I know, it's just been so long since I got to see you." He looked you up and down. "My have you grown, I remember when you were just up to my waist." He chuckled. "Yeah well, time flies I guess." You said. He kissed your forehead "I love you (Y/N)." "I love you too dad." With that, he picked up his things and headed for the terminal.

You waved to him and he waved back until he was out of sight. You let out a sad sigh. "Don't cry, (Y/N)." America said to himself as he watched you leave the airport. "I don't like to see you cry."

[Your Father's POV]

I walked through the halls of my office building and prepared to get ready for work when America stopped me. "Good morning sir." I said with a slight smile trying to act natural. "Good morning General." He said unusually than well usual. "Something wrong?" I asked trying to look confused. "Can I talk to you in my office?" I took a deep breath. "Sure." He led me to his office and he sat down at his desk. "You can have a seat, General. Please." I nodded and sat down. "What did you need to talk about?" He averted his gaze from my own and took a deep breath. "I..." He started ."I know about (Y/N), where she is, how's she's with, and I know you look your vacation days to go see her, she's in Germany, and she's with Germany." I knew that was coming. "So, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing." He said, and I was shocked. "Nothing?" "That's right if she's happy with Germany I'm not going to fight it. She obviously doesn't want to be with me, it's taken me this long to figure that out, but I do want her to be happy." That statement has to be the most intelligent thing I've heard this man say... "And besides, Germany is quite scary sometimes." He chuckled. "If I may say so, I am sorry for all the lies, and I honestly wouldn't blame you if you demoted or fired me." I said. "I would never do that." He smiled "You're my best General and ranked number one. Besides, I've known you for a very long time and I consider you my friend." I smiled "Well I'm glad to hear that sir." He stood up and so did I and he reached his hand out and I took it in a firm handshake.

" He stood up and so did I and he reached his hand out and I took it in a firm handshake

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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now