『Chapter Eleven』

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" JAPAN!!??" You shouted. "WE'RE IN JAPAN!?!" Ludwig only chuckled at your excitement. "Ja, ve are! You said zat you've alvays vant to go to Japan." You squealed in excitement and jumped up into Ludwig's arms. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" Ludwig chuckled as he took you into the small Japanese-style cottage Kiku had let him use for the week.

Later that day Ludwig presented a beautiful Kimono to you. "Oh, Ludwig it's beautiful!" You said with a light gasp. Ludwig blushed a little. "Ja, b-but not as schön (Beautiful) as you are." You happily took the Kimono from him and raced off to go change into it, he also had a men's Kimono that he changed into. "I think I put it on right." You said stepping out of the room to the main room where Ludwig sat waiting for you. "I zink you did." He said with a smile. "You have one too!?" You said excitingly.

Ludwig blushed again. "J-Ja..." "Well, I think it looks really nice on you, very handsome." You said with a smile s you sat down next to him. "What are we going to do today?" "Vell, Japan left us some home-cooked food so if you're hungry ve could eat and zen go for a valk or somezing in ze garden after." Ludwig suggested. "Sounds good!" Ludwig served the food. It was delicious! But something was up with Ludwig, it was like he was nervous or something.....he kept stuttering and blushing at simple comments or gestures...what was he thinking!! "Ludwig~" You cooed as you both finished your food. "How about we stay in tonight~"

"V-Vhy?" He stuttered. "Well I was thinking that we have this little cottage to ourselves, no one to bother us, no Gilbert or Feliciano to barge in on us or hear us~" "Vell...I-I ummm.." He was blushing madly and couldn't find any words to say. "Come on~," You said crawling on top of him. "I want to stay in~" Your hand slipped past his right pocket and you felt something inside. You stopped. "What's in your pocket?" "NEIN! It's nozing!" Ludwig shouted as he wiggled himself from under you and stood up. "L-Ludwig......?" You said standing up yourself. "S-Sorry liebe, it's just....it's just not time for you to know vhat's in mien pocket yet." He said averting your gaze. You smirked. "Alright...I can wait." Ludwig noticed your smirk and gulped, he had to make a new plan, and quick!

[Time Skip]

Later that night you and Ludwig did go on a walk. Afterward, you ate a few sweets for dessert and you soon found yourself falling asleep. Ludwig left the bedroom to make a phone call. "Hello?" "Japan!" Ludwig whisper/shouted. "I need anozer favor! Please!" "What is it Germany-San? Is everything alright?" "Ja ja, everyzing is f-fine, I just need you to go to the jewelry store and get a pair of (Gem) earrings and bring zem to me tomorrow! I zink (Y/N) knows about me going to propose to her so I need to come up vith anozer plan, so I can make the engagement a surprise! Make sure the earrings come in the same size box as the ring I got! ZANK YOU!" Japan agreed, and after Ludwig hung up the phone he made his way back into the bedroom and crawled back into bed with you. "Luddy?" You asked sleepily. "Where did you go?" "I just vent to ze bathroom liebe, go back to sleep." Ludwig said as he kissed your forehead.

The next morning Ludwig woke up early to meet Japan and swap out the ring for the earrings. "I must say Germany-San, this is a good idea to make sure (Y/N) doesn't catch on." Japan said as he safely placed the ring box in his pocket and Ludwig placed the erring box in his own pocket. "Ja, it just kind of came to me, but I vill ask her vhen I zink she isn't suspicious anymore." Ludwig said "Zank you Japan." "You are welcome my friend, call if you need anything else." Japan said with a bow as he walked away to leave you and Ludwig alone once more. "You're up early....why were you outside?" You asked rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "I vas uhhh checking the weather outside so I vould know if ve could go sight-seeing today." He said with a smile.

'SIGHTSEEING!' You shouted in your head. 'This must be when he is going to propose!!!!' "Ok! I'll go get dressed for the day." You said racing back into the bedroom to change into clothing that was cute yet sensible for sight-seeing all day. Ludwig smiled brightly as you walked up to him ready to go wearing an (F/C) sundress, a comfortable dress that was easy flowing. Ludwig was dressed casually in khaki shorts and a light blue polo. And so...arm in arm you and Ludwig left your little cottage for the day. The excitement inside of you was almost too much to handle!

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | Germany x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα