What's our game plan?

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Sam Wilson

We all sit in the living room waiting for Percy and Jack to arrive. I don't know what to think about them. I trust Percy, but Jack is sometimes rash and unreasonable.

"Hey Tony, what's going on?" Percy asks as he and Jack walk out of the elevator.

"After the battle of New York, I set up a couple satellites to alert me if any aliens were heading towards Earth. A few minutes ago an unidentified spacecraft was spotted. We need to find out what or who it is," Tony explains.

"Do you have a picture?" Percy asks.

"Yeah, F.R.I.D.A.Y. can pull up the image that the S.I.M.S. sent us?" Tony asks.

"Of course sir," the AI replies as an image appears on the holograph Tony has.

"The S.I.M.S.?" Steve questions.

"Yeah, The Stark Invasion Monitoring System, S.I.M.S.," Tony answers.

"Of course Stark is in the name of your machine," I retort.

"Well I can call it I.M.S. that sounds stupid," Tony retorts.

The whole time we've been talking, the Asgardians have been examining the picture.

"I've got it," Percy announces, "It's a Chitauri ship, which means Thanos is coming." Well that really changed the mood in the room.

"How are we going to defeat Thanos?" Wanda asks. It's the question no one wants to or can answer.

"We need some sort of game plan, we can't go in blind!" Percy tries to reason.

"We usually go into fights blind," Tony admits.

"And that's why you guys are always so close to loosing!" Jack responds.

"So this time, we're making a plan," Percy finishes.

"Ok," Tony gives in, "Let's make a plan."

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., can you calculate where the ship is heading?" Jack asks.

"Heading to New York City, he probably wants to make a house call," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies.

"Thanks, we should evacuate the city immediately!" Percy says, "Can you do that?"

"I'll talk to Fury, and see what he can do," Steve replies before leaving the room, probably to call the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Knowing Fury he won't be happy about this, but he'll find a way to do it.

"Ok, next we need to come up with a strategy of how to take down the ship. If my memory serves correct, and it does, the aliens' lives are all connected to the ship. Very Phantom Menace style," Tony remarks.

"Did you just make a Star Wars reference Stark?" Wanda asks.

"I totally did," Tony replies cockily.

"Ok, back to business. We should each take an area of the city around the mother ship to try to prevent the aliens from spreading," Percy strategies.

"Then we can nuke the mother ship!" Tony exclaims as Steve returns.

"Fury said he might be able to pull a few strings and pull it off, but don't count on it," Steve says answering the unasked question.

"Do you think he'll let me barrow a nuke?" Tony asks.

"No, don't you have any of your own?" Steve replies.

"Yeah, but I don't want to waste them," Tony counters.

"The world is at stake, you can use your nukes!" Percy exclaims.

"Ok, calm down kiddo," Tony responds to Percy's outbreak.

"Don't call me kid," Percy threatens before going back to planning. Tony raises his hands like he's surrendering then goes back to work.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., when is the ship going to land?" Jack asks.

"At about eleven-fifty am eastern time," F.R.I.D.A.Y. answers.

"Thanks," Jack replies then goes back to planning.

"Ok, if we each get a section around the ship, then maybe the police can make a perimeter around the city and shoot anything that gets by," Percy says thinking out loud.

"The police will listen to me," Steve responds.

"Great. So since we have twelve people we can split it like a clock," Tony says, "I call dibs on one o'clock!"

"We'll figure that our later, we need to equip everyone's weapons with materials capable of killing the Chitauri with one hit," Percy says changing the subject. "Natasha, what metal are the bullets you use made out of?"

"Lead, copper, and steal alloys, the usual stuff. Why?" Natasha replies.

"Well Jack and I brought some special metal with us, that could be helpful," Percy smirks.

"You don't mean...?" Thor trails off. Percy's smirk is his only response.

"You two are in so much trouble," Loki grins.

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