2 years later

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Sabrina's POV: I can't believe it's been two years since I gave birth to Bailey. I'm still engaged because we can't pick a date. I get up and quickly throw on my uniform and grab coffee. I grab my keys to my bike and my phone sliding my  phone into my backpack and getting onto my bike. Of course Tony took Bailey to see my dad and spend the day with him and pops. I get to the precinct and a new guy comes over to me. "Excuse me?" "Yes,can I help you?" "Um sir I need directions." "Actually." I take off my helmet and let down my newly dyed hair. "Ok wow um can you help me get to Chief's Carter's office." "Follow me." I led him through the hallways and finally reach the office. "Thanks I'm West by the way." "I'm Sabrina, Sabrina Reagan." He nods and walks away quickly like everyone else does when they find out I'm a Reagan. I sigh and see Eddie walk in with her newly dyed hair as well. We put our hair into buns and we both have our uniforms. "You guys look exactly the same." I smile and we head out not without stares of course. I go to the hospital since were guarding Hector. He's an witness and he's crucial so were guarding him so this should be fun. I've always wanted to be a doctor but I took a different life choice and some days I love it and others I regret it. We go in and I smile at Linda who's the head nurse. All the sudden Curtis(a nurse at the hospital) walks up hiding something. "Linda get outta here." She can't before Curtis opens fire. We all duck down and I cover Linda and I shoot his leg and he falls to the ground. I stand up and see Hector is shot and not going to make it. The trauma team comes in but he's gone. The doctor and Linda looks at me. Linda rubs my face and I see blood. The doctor moves my shirt and I can't see what happened. He yells for the trauma team who I know personally and they cry out rushing to get things. "Doc what's wrong?" "Sabrina you got shot twice and I need you to stay calm and come back with me." I grab onto his arms and Linda grabs my hand as we wheel down the hallways. The nurses screaming to move. I see Danny and Erin running behind us and I see an oxygen mask go over my face. Linda holds my hand and we go into the operating room and that's the last thing I remember. I hear faint beeping and I feel hands on me. I flutter my eyes open and I see my entire family. Everyone starts hugging me and Tony kisses me. Eddie runs in and hugs me and I scoot over and she lays on the bed next to me. Everyone talks to me and gives me sad smiles. "Guys you all have a job to do, so instead of crying about me you go to your job and catch the son of a bitch." They smile and hug me and kiss my cheek before leaving and Tony kisses my lips leaving me alone. I turn over and start crying. I'm completely helpless in my own body.

Seven weeks later: I'm finally 100% again. I'm back on full duty and I couldn't be happier. I walk into to the courthouse to meet my sister,Erin. She smiles and I slide into the chair. I see her ex husband defending the criminal and I shake my head. The court decides he's guilty for whatever he did and right as he went back with the cops he grabs one of their guns. I text Danny and Jamie quickly what happened and I get a reply saying their coming. I walk towards my sister and Delgado. "Hey you toss your gun." "I'm not going to shoot you." "How do I know that?" "I'm a NYPD officer and I have hostage lives to take care of and I'm not risking them." "Fine you can keep it but make one move for it and I will shoot you." I move next to Erin standing in front of her. Everyone's yelling at him and he takes my gun as well and he shoots two shots. One ends up in my shoulder and after looking again I see the other one ended up in Erin's shoulder. "Uh Jake, a little help." He comes over and makes a sling for Erin out of his suit jacket . He then takes off his shirt and makes a sling for me. I smile at him and he nods. "Here are my demands. I want a fueled up airplane and I want money. If I don't have that in two hours I start shooting to kill the hostages." He pulls me and Erin up and over to the windows using us to shield him. After an hour he gets the call back that his demands have been made. Delgado grabs Erin's and my arms, dragging us out. He hits Jake in the head for getting in his way. Delgado pulls us out and I see Danny and Jamie. He buying time for something. Finally after 10 minutes of getting nothing Danny kneels along with Jamie. "Please don't hurt my family." Erin and I drop to the ground and Danny shoots Delgado. Danny and Jamie check on him and kick the gun from his reach even though he's dead. Danny pulls me and Erin into his arms and Jamie just a wraps his arms around me and me and Erin cry. We finally arrive at dinner after getting a sling for Erin and I. We have to wear them so yay us. We walk in and everyone hugs us gently. "Thank you Danny for saving my life. I love you." "I love you both too." Eddie sits in my chair on the left and Jamie to my right. I'm struggling trying to cut my food and finally Jamie does it for me. "Thank you." "Your welcome." "Auntie Brina, how did you know what to do when dad and uncle Jamie got in their knees?" "Well your grandpa drilled that into us. Anytime we left the house. So dad thanks for saving my life." "It was actually your pops who created it except we never had to use it." "Thank god we never will again." He smiles and I thank Pops for saving my life. Bailey comes downstairs hearing my voice and runs to me. "Mommy!!" "Hi baby girl, did you have fun with grandpa and pops?" "Yes so much but I missed you." "I missed you too baby." She curls into my neck and I sit her on my lap as we eat off the same plate. Eddie hugs her when Bailey turns to her. Erin gets a text and looks at me for help. I stand up with her and soon the entire family follows us to the door. "Well I didn't want to come to the hospital because your family has loaded guns." "Just an FYI we have loaded guns 24/7 except sleep." He looks at our holsters and swallows. "Doesn't mean I will shoot."

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