No Intro for Tractor/Why are you so Surprised?

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*I'm just going to use my SUB-REALITY SHIFTING POWERS OF THE AUTHOR to time skip ahead to where we've already met Travis*

Aphmau sat up on her bed and lovingly caressed her tummy. Standing up, she walked over to the window and stared out towards the settlement known as Phoenix Drop. Travis was coming up the hill to her house.

Aphmau looked over at Zane, and roused him with a gentle nudge that knocked him off of the bed. Zane grumbled a little before standing up and stretching. Aphmau smiled, walked over to Zane and hugged him.

Zane blinked in surprise. "Still feeling the effects of that harrowing misadventure?" He said, pulling Aphmau a little closer.

"Yes." Aphmau said, breaking away to put her hand on her tummy. "Thought of a name yet?" She asked. Zane's blank look and glazed eyes reappeared.

Aphmau sighed. She turned towards the door when Travis burst in.

"When are you gonna tell everyone, Aphmau?" He asked excitedly.

"Tell them what?" Aphmau asked.

"That you're pregnant! You won't be able to keep it secret much longer!" Travis said, bouncing up and down.

"How did you even find out...?" Zane asked.

"Because the fat excuse doesn't work here. There is a very distinct bump in your belly. You can't call that fat!" Travis explained in a rush.

"What about... baby fat?" Aphmau punned out of nowhere.

Zane groaned, shaking his head slowly. Travis hung his head and moaned slightly.

Aphmau laughed all villain-style, her head held back. When she looked at Zane, he was delighted to see the spark had returned to Aphmau's eyes.

"Well... I guess I have to tell them." Aphmau concurred.


First, Aphmau visited Levin and Malachi's house.

"What is it you wanted to tell us, mother?" Malachi asked.

"You're going to have a little brother and sister soon." Aphmau said, rubbing her tummy.

"WHAT?! HOW... WHEN... WHY?!" Levin said, taken by complete surprise.

"That's not far from my reaction." Zane said, his eyes distant, empty, cold.

"That's great!" Malachi said, beaming. "Who's the father?"

Aphmau was caught off guard. "Uhh... Zane... is..." She said. "I think." She mumbled under her breath in a voice so low nobody could hear.

Zane stared at Aphmau blankly.

"Okay..." Malachi said.

"Who else are you going to tell?" Levin asked, desperately attempting to change the subject.

"Katelyn, obviously. Zoey and Travis already know, but Katelyn, Laurance, Garroth, Dante, Kawaii-Chan, Alexis, Kyle, Yip, Lucinda, Kenmur, Emmalyn, Kiki, Leona, Donna, and Logan don't. I plan on telling them today." Aphmau said, grasping the subject-changing opportunity Levin had just offered.

"Well, why don't we call them all together and tell them?" Malachi suggested, also grateful to change the subject.

"Yes!" Aphmau said, joyfully bouncing a little.


Everyone in Phoenix Drop gathered at the plaza. Levin, Malachi, Aphmau and Zane stood on a makeshift platform as everyone chatted amongst themselves, wondering what the news was. Travis stood at the edge of the plaza, a huge smirk on his face. Aphmau planned to tell Laurance and Garroth later.

"Ahem." Levin said, raising his hand in a "quiet down, please" gesture.

Everyone slowly quieted down and looked at Levin. "Aphmau has an announcement." He said, giving Aphmau the floor.

"You've probably already noticed the bulge in my tummy." Aphmau said thoughtfully. "Well, I'm not fat."

"That's debatable." Zane joked. Malachi snickered and Aphmau elbowed Zane lightly, nearly knocking him off of the platform.

"As I was saying," Aphmau continued as Zane stood back up, "I'm not fat. I'm... pregnant!"

The outburst was deafening.

"OH MY IRENE I LUUUUUVE BABIES! EEEEEEEEEEE!" Donna squealed, outdoing the entire crowd and reaching a note too high for fangirls.

"That's great! Who's the father?" Kiki asked. That got everyone's attention away from the screaming, freaking, fangirling Donna.

"My husband." Aphmau said guardedly.

"Will it be a boy or a girl?" Dante asked.

"Aphmau's expecting twins, one boy and one girl. And she's about twenty weeks in!" Zoey said, drawing everyone's attention away from the whole who's-the-father thing.

Everyone clapped, overjoyed at the thought. Even Logan gave a cheer!

"Now for the hard part." Aphmau whispered to Zane. "Telling Garroth and Laurance."

Zane shuddered involuntarily. He knew his brother would be proud, and tease him mercilessly, but Laurance...


"What is it you wanted to tell us, Aphmau?" Laurance asked.

"I'm pregnant." Aphmau said, for the first time without hesitation.

"WHAT THE NETHER?!" Laurance shouted.

"That's great! Who's the father?" Garroth asked, wondering, and hoping, if it was who he thought it might be.

"Zane." Aphmau said.

Garroth just took one look at Zane, who was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and squealed. His baby brother was going to be a father, and more importantly, Garroth was going to be an uncle! Like any brother would, Garroth gave Zane a fierce,"I'm-proud-of-you" noogie. Zane sighed. The teasing began here.

Laurance, however, had a mental breakdown, with some screamy freak-out on the side as thoughts of how this development happened, and the realization that Aphmau did it with Zane filled his head and clouded his judgement.

All in all, they took it pretty well. But Aphmau still backed slowly out of the room and ran. She didn't get far before she ran into a girl with a white hoodie, a bow and quiver, and blonde hair.

The girl looked at Aphmau. Recognition flashed through her eyes.

"Oh! You're Zane's wife!"

Garroth's going to be an uncle! He's so proud. XD


Feeding My Good Side - Zanemau (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang