I Don't Want to Crash Now

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Hold yourself together I keep telling myself this
And I'm trying really, my hands clenched into fists

Tears threatening to fall from glazed over eyes
So many things unsaid, sore throat from these internal cries

I've been doing so good so far and I've been holding it down
Nobody's aware of how I feel, buried, six feet underground

Clearly they can't see past my obviously flawful facade
I'm a puppet, a mime playing a messed up game of charade

Hold it together, breathe in breathe out, keep calm
Everyone thinks they know me but they don't know who I am

I'm broken, depressed, trying to keep them away
I'm cracking, hurting, crying everyday

But I just can't let the pain through these creases
They'd stay away from me if only they knew my hatred

Knew how useless, unmemorable, incomplete I feel
I wish I could just wake up front this nightmare, this dream

I just, I just don't want to crash now
I can't keep it in forever, I don't know how...

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