I'm Here For You

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Just like I need you
You need me the same
Whenever you need me
Just call my name
I'll swim in the deepest oceans
And climb the highest mountain
I could tell you how much I love you
But hey, who's counting
It'll be too much to do
So I'll show you instead
I'll be your rock
I'll be your bed
To keep you strong
To keep you safe
My undying love
Will never go to waste
Because I know you feel the same
Even though you don't show me
I just need to look into your eyes
And it'll tell me everything I need
I have your back
Just like you have mine
One soul connected by two bodies
Two heartbeats that never rhyme
I'll travel to hell and back
And change the hands of time
To prove that my love is true
So you'd know I'm here for you

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