Welcome to your new home

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Mason pov

"MASON WAKE UP!"  Bailey said, I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. People are walking off of the plane and Bailey is collecting his stuff.

"Come on I said that we would meet mom at the lobby . We get up and make our way of the plane.

Once we make it to the lobby a few people recognized us and we took pictures with them. Sooner or later we got lost in all of the people...

"Mason! Bailey!" We look over towards the voice and it comes from Riley. He was standing there by our family and a man holding a sign with our last name on it.

"Ok right this way" the man leads us to the rental car and helps us load our stuff into the trunk.

"Mason please sit with Ashley" my mom asked and I nodded in agreement. I take a seat in the middle seat next to Kendall and Ashley's car seat.

"I'm so ready to meet our neighbors!" Brooklynn practically screamed in my ear

"I'm so ready to sleep!" I screamed and flailed my arm up and down.

Lauren's pov

" THERE' RE HERE" I herd Dani from downstairs . I turned of my phone and looked out of the window. I saw a car pulling up to the house and I Guess the mom stepped out and opened the door.

After her, two boys that look like Lisa and Amy's age walked out of the car with their suitcases and went inside. Then I saw two girls that look like Dani and Christians age walk out.

Then the door opened and Dani walked in.

"Didn't mom say there were 6 kids? Where are the other two" she came and sat on my bed.

" I know that's what I thought too" we both continued to look out of the window and sooner or later a boy walked out with his suitcase in one hand and a child in his other hand.

"Awe look Lauren" Dani started to fangirl over the stranger next door. I rolled my eyes playfully and we all piled into the living room, my dad started to give a lecture about how we should be nice and polite to them and all that good stuff.

"Ok, they are probably settled in now let's go" Katherine said grabbing the cookies and we all headed out of the door and to there house.

Once we all got there Dani rung the door bell and the kid Christians age answers it.

"Hi I'm Mike and my family and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood, also we brought you these cookies" the little girl smiled and introduced herself

"Hi I'm Kendall, umm I will get my mom" she turned her head and yelled

" GUYS GET DOWN HERE WE HAVE GUEST" we were all pretty shocked by her but mainly entertained, then the mom along with 3 boys and 2 girls came down.

"Hi, Im Bethany nice to meet you all" she said shaking my mom and dads hands.She opened the door wider letting us know we could come in. We all walked over to the couch and sat down, i sat down by the boy who looked Amy's age and my age. It was really awkward though...

"This is Riley and he's 22, Bailey and he's 20, Mason he's 17, Brooklynn she's 16, Kendall she's 13, and baby Ashley who is 5" she said pointing to them one by one. They all waved and shyly smiled when they got introduced.

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