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This is the story my parents told me when I was still young, a story of a love that lasted through anything, through scorn, threats, and even death.

Two families, the Felis and the Canis. A grudge split them apart, a grudge who's origins no one could remember. Some say that it was started by the beginings of the households themselves, but others say it was after a member from the other family wronged them. But it was nothing more than a reason to satisfy a dark need in us all.

To fight. To shed blood. To kill.

But out of this rose two great figures. Two people whose love lasted through everything thrown their way.

A Felis and a Canis, bound in matrimony and love, tried to stop the fighting, but in the end, it was only their death that stopped the war. Nothing else could ever succeed at such a feat.

This is the story I was told from birth, though the voice that told it changed.

This is the legacy of two of the greatest men to ever live.

This, is the story of my fathers.

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