Chapter 14

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I decided to call Kylie and tell her that I was on my way to her house since I didn't want to just walk in like I own the place when I don't .


I sometimes feel like in the whole family it 's either Kendall or I who are the mature ones like the ones who have more manners than the others .


The phone finally rung and she picked up and it sounded like she was somewhere busy

" Kylie are you at your house " I asked her through the phone making a left into her driveway

" What no why would you be at my house " Kylie asked me

Right when she asked me that question it was like a switch went off .

" you've been texting and calling me over my mini vacation because you've wanted to talk to me this day at this time " I explained to her slowly so she would understand

" While I can't now I'm busy hanging out with Stassy can we talk tomorrow " Kylie asked me

" I have interviews and photoshoots tomorrow " I told her getting annoyed

"Why are you getting mad " Kylie asked me getting me pissed off

" Because I am Kylie " I told her leaving her driveway and back to justin's house

" You have no reason to get mad " Kylie yells through the phone


I don't understand why Kylie is mad it's not like I called her every hour on her vacation when she was hanging out with her boyfriend knowing that there is a time change in Greece . Then what me mad the most is that I don't know what she wants to talk about and why it was so important to call me when I was busy and when I meet her the day she gave she doesn't show up just because she wants to hang out with her friend like right before I left Justin's house or by the time she left her house she could've called me saying hey can we reschedule instead of leaving me out of the loop


I drove back to Justin's house and walked in the door using the key he had gave me .

" justin I'm back " I yelled walking up the stairs to see if he was there but he wasn't .

I walked down the stairs to see Justin in his built in home studio

" hey how was your talk with kylie " Justin asked sitting at the piano playing a few keys on it

" Horrible she didn't even show up she was busy after texting me about meeting her today " i told him trying to let all the stress that kylie caused me to go away but I guess it wasn't working and justin took a notice of it .

" why don't you play on the piano to take your mind off of things" Justin says sliding over in the piano chair and I sat next to him and started to play the song i wrote from my first song album

After playing a few keys I started to sing some of the lyrics , when it gotten to a certain part where the rap comes in justin started singing it with me .

It was like all the stress left me and we ended up just staring at each other . It was like we were having a conversation with just our eyes .

In the moment we started leaning in until our lips connected with one another . Everytime we kissed it always feels like the very first time we ever kissed and it just made me happy because I never want to get rid of that feeling .

We kept on kissing until it got turnt into a heavy makeout session which led to another thing . Don't worry we were safe .

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