Chapter 29

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** Jasmine **

I suppose you want to know what was going on in my head while I was out? Nothing, I was as you would call it practically brain dead. Some people say you can hear people talking to you but that's when you're in a coma.

I was like sleeping beauty.

But I did feel good to be sort of ok. I know I knew I would lose our baby, but you still can't help the feeling of loss when it does happen. I still don't remember waking up at all but now I am thankful for completing the mate bond when we did.

No matter how much you think your parents logic is wrong and you don't want to hear it because it's not what you want to hear. You've got to be thankful.

Strengthen these boarders is tough. I'm currently sitting on Aidens back accompanied by Marcus travelling beside us. My mum is right, it does take a lot of your energy but with Aiden beside me, it's giving me motivation to keep going.

'You don't need to do this, I can feel you losing energy Jasmine' Aiden says and growls out loud

"It needs to be done, just keep running" I say pulling on his fur gently


As per Aidens word, he gave my parents a couple of days before I was ok and I was. More than ok, I can feel my heat nearing and it already is giving me pain and it's not even at its peak.

Aiden is sitting close which is simmering some of the pain away. It feels really good especially as he rubs circles on my back.

My brothers are here as well, my parents sitting across from me, Kaleb and Aiden on either side as I sip on my coffee.

"It was mama that told me" My mum looked confused and angry at the same time "I visited her a lot while I was studying mum and she told me, it was like she saw way into my future... She has an amazing gift, she taught me quite a bit"

I could feel my mums anger but I could also see my dad soothing her "How come you didn't tell us?" Dad asks

"You remember all the threats mum got while I was growing up, I saw the pain she was trying to hide, I didn't want her to watch me go through it so once mama told me everything I had to take steps... The stuff that was given to Aimee, I stumbled upon that stuff while in America, I met a tribe of native Americans who mama told me about that could help the 'wolf spirit' in me" I smile "Mama told me I would travel the world for my job but not only did she tell me to travel the world for my work but to protect myself and keep moving, she also told me once I find who my mate is, I won't need to run"

Aidens hands stopped their movement and kissed my cheek "She knew my life would be at risk but she didn't know who they were because they were yet to come into my life... She mentioned she didn't get to tell you a lot of things because you were busy with the council or you just didn't want to know"

"Me and your grandmother didn't have a very good understanding when I decided to help the council, it wasn't until I found Nate she wanted to talk to me she felt that the council were just using me because of who I was" My mum looked torn but at least she was being understanding.

"I felt the territory strengthen the other day" She says as I shrug my shoulders at her

"Yyeeeah, it needed to be done, I'm not about to raise a family and constantly get people breaking through the boundaries mum" She simply nods her head

"Mum I'm hungry" I look down at Kaleb and laugh

"Come on then little alpha, I'll make you something" my dad says as he gets up from his chair and offers his hand out to his grandson

Aiden and I watch Kaleb leave with my dad and I quickly turn to my mum who was watching me "Mum I'm sure mama would have her reasons for not telling you about this" Blair says "I mean now I want to go and visit her just so she can read my future"

We all laugh when the door bell rings. "I'll get it" I felt a strange pull to the door anyway when I decided to get it. Aiden pulled me back feeling the same sensation as I towards the door

"No it's just strange" he says as we both walk to the door together. He opens it up and I peek my head out from around him. I frown seeing a familiar face but I can't think where until she speaks

"Luna" She nods her head

"Michelle" I say, moving around Aiden to pull her in for a hug "She fed Kaleb while we were taken" Aiden growled and was about to grab her when she stopped him in his tracks "You're a witch?" She smiles nodding her head

"It's strange that I couldn't sense you that day" I say as she gives me a flat smile

"You had lost a lot of energy that day" she says "I just needed to make sure you are ok"

"Please come in" I say

"No I just needed to make sure you were ok, I must go before-"

"Mate!" We hear a growl behind us, Aiden and I both snap our attention to the person behind us to see Blair, his eyes black as night possibly with lust and sniffing the air like he needs oxygen from her scent.

Michelle sighs and takes my hand "I can't be a part of your lives, I'm sorry Luna, I was only meant to observe and protect you, your grandma just wanted your safety, my end of the deal is done" Before Michelle leaves the entryway, Blair captures her in his arms. We literally watch her shudder at his touch "I can't Blair, I have to go until you find a way of us being together, I'm not a normal witch love"

"Michelle by any chance is your last name Andrews?" We hear our mother say behind us when we see Michelle nod "Oh honey, come inside please for my sons sake"

Michelle had stiffened then nodded her head "Only for a moment, I - I have another favor I must settle"


My poor brother, having his mate in his arms for a moment only for her to leave the next. I can't imagine the amount of pain he feels, she didn't reject him but she did tell him to wait for her.

And by god I will make sure he does. My heat has finally happened, I am currently locked in our bedroom bathroom sitting in cold water trying to soothe the heat my body is letting off.

It's that intense I need my alpha, my love to come and tame what is my need for him.

And right when I need him, he bursts through the bathroom door and picks me up soaking wet from the bath.

Let the loving begin



It was a good run, I enjoyed writing this story. I really did and I enjoyed reading all your comments. It gave me that boost of confidence I needed to try and make my stories better.

I was thinking about writing an epilogue but I will let you come up with something in your minds eye of what the couples future will be.

I'm going to steer away from werewolf stories for a while, until I feel like writing something like that again. But in the mean time will revisit some of my old stories from jokebox

Stay tuned

Thank you for reading


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