Chapter 18

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I haven't heard anything from Addison yet neither has Marcus and I'm getting worried

"Dude relax, it's only been a couple of hours" I turn to see Marcus sitting beside me in the lounge of Alpha Franks pack house

"You seem stressed about your mate?" Joseph the alpha asks me. I turn my head to him and nod. Joseph's parents and mine had a treaty back in the day and it still stands considering Joseph's mate is from our pack

"Tiffany says Jasmine is an amazing women" I smile "And very forgiving"

"Well I hope she can be this time around" I say. Joseph offers me a reassuring smile as Serena walks into the lounge with a small bundle in her arms. I smell the small child in her arms is hers but another scent not of her mate. Her mate walks in the door following behind her protectively.

"You are a brave man standing beside your mate while she holds another's child, I envy you" I nod my head towards him as I move towards Serena. "Serena" I say nodding when another man comes rushing through the doors. He looks frantically around but my eyes turn away looking down at the child.

"Alpha James this is my mate Derek" we shake hands before I look back down at the child

"What am I suppose to feel?" I ask and I try to remember what I feel when I'm around Kaleb.

"A pull" her mate says. I don't feel anything and I smile shaking my head in a no but the man that rushes into the lounge stands still at the entry way.

"Logan are you alright? Sorry alpha James this is my brother Logan, he has been away in Europe training for the council"

Logan came and shook my hand then turned back to look at Serena smiling at her lovingly then back down to the child

A loud growl erupted from behind her, she cowered back in the corner with her child

"You slept with my brother!" Derek yells

"In my defence brother, it was before you came in the picture, I believe she was pregnant when you slept with her too alpha but brother I loved her before you" Logan says. I haven't seen brothers fight over a girl before and this was my first time. To say I am relieved to know it isn't mine but at the same time I don't want a child to be deprived of a father

"You still slept with him! Answer me!" Derek yells

"Derek you need to calm down, you are making the child cry" Joseph says placing a hand on his shoulder. Derek instantly calms and moves towards Serena who shied away from him

"Babe I'm sorry, I'm just"

"No you should be mad, I just didn't think she was Logan's because we used contraceptive majority of the time but then there was one time" Serena says

"Let's leave them to talk" Joseph motions for us to leave when I feel Marcus's arm around my shoulder

"Let's get food then go get your mate back" Marcus says patting my chest with a smile "Because Addison says she awake"

My heart instantly skipped a beat and all I wanted to do was get home to my mate


I woke feeling very drowsy. I groaned and heard a sigh beside me. Everything slowly came rushing back. What Aiden told me, what nearly happened.

Damn! I could've died! I just lay there motionless as my eyes snapped open to the ceiling

"Mum are you ok?" I hear my boys voice as I see him sitting beside me on the bed with his iPad in his lap. I smile nodding my head "I'll go get aunty Addison" I nod my head and slowly get up and head into the bathroom towards the shower.

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