Chapter 13

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"Let her do your hair Jas!" Addisons younger sister cries out

"I'm suppose to be taking photos" I groan as the hair dresser pulls me to the seat

"Look babe, least get your hair done in loose curls and natural looking makeup, everyone is practically ready and you are still in your sweatpants and hood top" I smile at Addison who looks beautiful. Her makeup had a pin up look to it but at the same time she looked amazing

"I am still yet to take a photo of you about to get in your dress, put on your dress, I've got snaps of the girls in their dresses already... It's just you babe" I say as she forces me back down on the chair

"Take a break and I'll make you a coffee, we are running right on schedule" Addison smiles as she walks away and the hairdresser starts working on me

"You're that model that's on the billboard in town huh?" She asks

Her hands work wonders on my hair "Yeah I am"

She started asking me questions about how I got into it, where was my favourite place to shoot, what famous people I have taken photos for.

I had to laugh and smile "I've done a few modelling gigs, it's not that I don't like them I just prefer to work behind the camera and admire my work... I've been all over the world but my most favourite place to shoot would be in the wildernesss"

"All done" she says and ushers me over to the makeup artist who was set up in the kitchen

"What's the time?" I ask taking the coffee from Addisons hands

"It's eleven Luna" I drink my coffee while the girl does my makeup

It feels weird to me this whole Luna thing. If I was suppose to be the head pack warrior then it shouldn't really matter now that I am Luna, I'm sure the wolf in Aiden would be filled with pride at the thought of his mate and Luna the head warrior. I guess come Monday I can go through some drills. I couldn't help but smirk, open my eyes and saw Addison watching me.

"I'm gonna get into my dress as soon as you are done" Addison says. In minutes she was done and I always marvelled at the work these people do in transforming someone

I quickly took snaps of Addison getting into her dress and staring at her dress. She was going to love these photos, better yet cry because she loves them

"Ok babe, I better get going to the boys, I will be back before you go, still got an hour and a half" I kiss her on the cheek when I hear a click. I look down not seeing my camera in my hands but in Sammys

"Couldn't help it boss, she wanted an intimate moment with her best friend and I got it"

"You look beautiful, drink up ladies!" I say as I exit the house with my bags in tow.

Minutes later I see cars parked outside our home. Our home, it's nice knowing I can finally have my best friend, my love and my son all to myself in the one place.

I spotted Blairs car in the driveway and heard laughter coming from inside

"Mums here!" I hear Kaleb yell out as I walk in the door when I feel a set of warm hands, knowing whose hands they were I wasn't about to push myself out of them

"I missed you" he whispers in my ear "I thought you were getting ready there" I turn around to face him and see he is already in his suit. I couldn't help the lust filled gaze as I take him in "There's plenty of time for that later"

I blush and pull out my camera and start taking photos "I missed you too babe, I left the dress here, so I've got to shoot up and change before I go back to the girls" I say as I continue "Where is the groom?"

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