Chapter Seventeen: Graduation

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I stand in place, my heart is beating so fast, but I made it. How on earth did I make it? The crowd watching, clapping whenever the next person is called. I can see my mother within the sea of cheering families and friends. She's wearing the biggest smile. My dad sits next to her with Alex sitting on his lap. Dad's smile matches my mothers, Alex seems a little tired.

"Evelyn Perkins," The man calls out my name. My turn.

I walk carefully towards the school's staff, the crowd claps. A thin well dressed woman hands me the rolled up piece of paper and shakes my hand. I take it and quickly join the others who had been called already.

The night is beautiful, a perfect night for this. The stars shine brightly down on us, but the large lights above us made the stars hard to see. Jeff had told me last night he had a surprise for graduation for me. When I asked him what he meant, he said I would see after the ceremony. A little unnerving coming from a killer, but I trust him. I wonder where he is right now- probably back at my house or off killing.

I'm finally adjusting to that thought- that he kills. The smell of blood didn't bother me anymore, and after what had happened in that alleyway I don't think the sight of dead bodies could bother me much anymore either. I wouldn't know until I test it though, if I ever test it. I hopefully won't have to.

The last name is called, all of us stand together, hands holding out caps, ready to toss them above us. Together we lightly count down as we had practiced before, when we reach three we all toss our caps into the air. The crowd cheers, whooping and hollering loudly. My hat truthfully didn't make it to far into the air.

I can't wait to get this robe off, we all had to return them to the school. They are rented after all. Most kids are meeting up with their families and friends for pictures first, but I didn't bother. I'm one of the first to give back the robe. I wear my usual clothes under it, gloves and all. After giving back my robe, I find my mom amongst the crowds of cheerful people. I feel happy for once like all of them.

I find my mom, dad and brother looking through the crowd for me. I call out for them and quickly walk towards them. They see me and walk towards me. I throw my arms around both my parents, hugging them tightly. They hug me back, laughing lightly. Alex wraps his arms around me as well.

"We're so proud of you hunny," My mom says as she and dad pull away from the hug.

"Here, haha," I hand her my paper, "I know you wanted to frame it."

Mom looks to my dad and says, "I'll make a copy for you, Sam."

"Thanks Jenifer,"My dad thanks her, then turns to talk to me, "You did such a great job, Eve. I know high school wasn't easy."

"Evelyn! There you are!" I hear someone shout over the crowds chatter. I recognized his voice instantly, Jeff. What the hell is Jeff doing here?!

I look around, trying to find him. I don't see him anywhere. A different boy approaches me though. I looked at him closely, Jeff's eyes, Jeff's hair, his clothes and body type. But the face is wrong, it's normal. The charming smile on his face reminded me of Jeff's smile, just with the open slices in his cheeks. Is that Jeff? It can't be.

"J-Jeff?" I say questioningly, tilting my head to the side.

"Surprise!" He cheers, holding out his arms.

"Holy shit," I gasp as I hug Jeff. He hugs me back. I pull away, still holding him slightly, and look at his face again. "What? How?"

He leans down to my ear and whispers, "What do you think it was I got from my buddy? I wanted to be able to see you graduate. Potions are a great thing."

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