"Darling-" He started but I cut him off.

"No, you don't get to push me away."

"I'm not. I'm not, I just want you be okay without me. I need that okay? Because not being able to see you everyday is bad enough but you being unhappy would absolutely crush me, Del." He said, his voice pleading.

I walked over towards the bed that he laid his back against, the bed that was made for one but fully ignoring that logic, I climbed in beside him.

"I need you to go and live with your mother." He said after some time. My instincts were to lash out, to overreact but I knew that he was trying. "She has stable life, with a stable family that she can support you with."


My eyelids felt heavy as I tried my hardest to open them- failing miserably. Pulling the excess blanket closer to my body- inducing the radiated heat- I focused on the sound of my slow breathing in hopes to fall asleep once again.

The door creaked loudly, causing me to groan as loud footsteps walked towards my bed.

"Del." My father said as I hummed in response. "Someone is on the phone for you."

"Tell them that I'm sleeping." I said, my voice extremely raspy and frankly, unrecognizable.

"Del, please. It's important." He said, his voice pleading.

I glanced up to see that he already had the phone stretched out for me to hold. I eyed it slightly before taking it within my grasp.

Who knows. It is probably Harry being his normal obnoxious self.

My father walked out, looking back at me a few times. I frowned before bringing the house phone towards my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Del. Oh my. It's me." A woman's voice spoke.

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly as the voice sounded foreign.

"Who is this?"

"It's me. Your mother."

My instincts were to hang up but instead I decided to carry on the conversation further in hopes to get her point of calling across.

"What do you want?" I said, the annoyance laced in my voice.

"I just want to talk to you. Please, it will only be for a few minutes. Talk to me."


"I've missed you, Del. A lot. Do you know that?"


"Oh. Well, I have, darling. Anyways. That is not why I called. I wanted to tell you that I got married. It has only been three years but I could never have been more happy. He's a great man. You would love him. We live in a beach house in California with our son."

"Our son? How old is he?" I said, raising my eyebrow in question.

"He's twenty years old." She said, her voice shaking slightly.

"So you kept him from me and dad?" I said, my voice becoming a higher pitch.


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