Hurts Like Heaven

Start from the beginning

Lauren was too shocked to do anything but stand frozen on the spot, her arms spread out not touching the girl. She remained still for a few moments and when it seemed like Camila wasn't going to pull away she let the open water bottle drop to the floor and quickly enveloped the shorter girl in the embrace, squeezing them tight together.

She breathed in Camila, her scent and frame a pleasant memory before, now corporeal and tangible in her arms, it made her eyes wet and her lip tremble.

'I'm still mad at you,' Camila intoned, the words spoken into Lauren's collarbone.

Lauren grinned, a watery smile, 'Okay.'

Camila gripped harder and Lauren's smile grew broader. The water bottle on the floor was spilling all over her socked feet and Lauren just kept on smiling.

After her first show back with Fifth Harmony, the first thing that becomes obvious is that dancing with a cast on is not an easy task. She kept dropping the mic and the weight of the plaster was making her arm movements cumbersome and slow and throwing of the syncronisity of their dance moves.

Lauren had stumbled through the show on energy drinks and adrenaline, apologising halfway through when she accidentally smacked Normani on the butt with her cast, and blushed furiously when the crowed laughed after she fumbled with her microphone like it was a hot potato in her hands, for the eight time.

It was still her favourite show of the tour, she was happy and it was in a genuine way that had been lacking for so long.

After the show, Lauren went backstage to their dressing room in search of her prescription pain meds. She hardly took them anymore but her arm had started aching painfully as soon as the adrenaline had started to wear off and her left temple had the tell-tale signs of a headache that was all too familiar since her fall.

Fifteen minutes later, their dressing room was filled with rowdy people and loud music and her headache wasn't ebbing in the slightest so Lauren escaped outside via the fire exit. It lead to a dark back alley that was gloriously peaceful if not slightly creepy.

She was still in her stage outfit but with a hoody thrown over and her battered converse on her feet, she prayed that no paparazzi or fans were lurking around.

The headache abated away with every second of peace and fresh air and she slumped against the brick wall in relief.

The fire door clicked open a few minutes later and Lauren watched Camila quietly step out and then jump a foot in the air when she noticed Lauren loitering in the shadows.

'Holy fuck!' Camila clutched her chest like she was having an actual heart attack and pressed up against the wall opposite Lauren. 'Why the hell are you creeping around I here, I almost pee'd my pants?'

Lauren smirked, bemused at Camila's dramatic reaction. 'I needed some air.'

Camila took some steadying breaths, regaining her composure. 'Yeah, me too, Dinah just decided to try adding Mentos to a bottle of Coke so I made a hasty exit.'

Lauren looked down, noticing Camila was also still in her show outfit but the Cuban was also barefoot.

'Very hasty exit, huh?' Lauren nodded at her feet.

Camila shrugged, stepping closer to Lauren. 'The floor of the tour bus is worse than this, right?'

Lauren nodded absentmindedly, too distracted by the girl in front of her to come up with a response. The limited streetlight in the alley had just cast a warm glow across Camila's features and once again Lauren was floored by the other girl's beauty. Suddenly, it seemed incomprehensible that Lauren could have uttered words that ended their relationship.

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